f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
25.08.03 || 45
Kiddies, allow me to preface this entry by saying that from this day forward, I will religiously type every single entry in Word and save periodically to avoid what just happened to me. I was just rambling on, saying nothing in particular, but slowly coming to a very good point, when I hear this click and my screen goes black, and then blue. It told me that the system has suddenly become unstable or unavailable and I can wait or I can restart the computer. I tried in vain to do anything I could to just pull my page back up so I could copy and paste what I'd written to word so I could save it. I was unsuccessful.

I will now bravely attempt to recreate the general idea of that entry.


You know you need to do laundry when one of your cats drags your towel out to the patio for further examination by the rest of them.

Today is an awesome day. I feel that sense of exhilaration and freedom that I haven't felt since I cut 7th period every Friday to start my weekend early. By all rights, I should be clocking in and settling into my cube right now, but I have the day off. Lucky me! So instead, I'm still in the shirt I slept in, sipping tea in the dining room, typing this while blasting Green Day and feeling nostalgic for high school. Cosmo just got out of the shower and is playing hide and seek with the wubbies. We have an action packed day ahead of us kiddies.

A C T I O N � P A C K E D

First, I'm going to shower. Then I'll put in a load of laundry and Cosmo will do something useful. Then we'll harvest the last of the tomatoes and green beans. Later tonight, we'll water my grandma's roses that have sorely been neglected. Sometime today, I'll give myself a fake tan [sorry Miss-Edith, I can't resist!]. Then we'll use some of our free passes to go see a movie. 28 Days later is still at Fascist Valley, but not until later this evening. See, what did I tell you? Action-fucking-packed kiddies.

I'm going to just continue rambling. I really have nothing good to say. I'm not going to talk about masturbation or my bathroom phobias or anything that seems to make people leave me comments and notes and entries in my guest book. If you like, you can scroll to the bottom now and see what mood I've chosen, as well as what I've plugged into my lingering-thought, soundtrack, and object of lust fields, and call it a day.

I am however, going to mentally wander for at least a page and a half in Word.

You know kiddies; I used to be obsessed with my stats. I used to be so happy and proud even to see how many times my diary was viewed in any given day. I used to care how many people added me to my buddy list. I'm sure I still do. Care about those things that is. Lately though, I'm becoming less obsessed with these things and instead becoming obsessed with the handful of kiddies who have decided that leaving me a comment or a note isn't nearly enough and have decided to reach out to me for further contact. I'll tell ya, when I log into my email and see that someone has dropped me a line, it really fucking makes my day. To know that you kiddies haven't met me. You don't really know me, but something I've written has touched you, good or bad, and you feel the need to let me know about it. Hell yeah dude. That's not the reason I started this diary. I started this diary because too many people in my real life knew about my old one and thought they actually knew me. They would read something in my diary and it wouldn�t match up to the person they knew in real life, and they would think I was making it up, or writing it to show off, or to be mean. They would, essentially, read too much into it, and take it out on me. I discovered that I couldn't be me. Which is sad, to realize that the people I chose to surround myself with didn't know how I really felt and what I really thought. I'm working on that though...cutting down the list of people who I call "friend", but I'll get to that later. And, of course, how in the hell could I vent? If I was pissed at my little sister and devoted an entry to what a stupid little flake I thought she was, it would damage our relationship permanently. I wouldn't mean to of course. How many times have you screamed "I hate you!" at someone in a fit of anger? How many times have you thought "I could fucking KILL him for that."? Does that mean it? Of course not, but how would the other person really know? So I started this diary to vent. At first, it was just going to be something I kept for the things I couldn't write in my other diary. Now, my other diary has been long abandoned, and I fully devote all of my thoughts and ramblings to this. I'm sorry...I did have a point at the beginning of this.

I used to have quotes from the diaries of the people I have on my buddy list. I quit that because I noticed everyone else did that. I've been trying, ever since I removed the quotes, to come up with something to put in that little comment box. I have yet to come up with anything interesting. I kick myself for that every damn I see my profile. Personally, I hate not seeing a comment next to my name in someone else's profile. I'm just curious as to why in the hell they've decided to read me every day, you know? So here I am guilty of the same behavior. I need to fix that. It really should be simple, just a note expressing why I like to read them, but is it really just that simple? It should be. I need to remedy this.

There, all remedied.

Now you kiddies who have me on your buddy list have no reason to not write a comment about me.

Also concerning my buddy list, I think I need to fill it out some more, but I don't exactly know what I'm looking for. Oh well...I'll start by checking out the diaries of the people who have me on their list. See how that goes.

In other news, I think I'm tapering off. Not much left to ramble about. I need a haircut. I need to clean my nose. I need to respond to an email. I need to take a shower. I need to practice. I need to get to the gym. I need to take a nap.

But first I have to go stop my cat from knocking something breakable down.

And before that I need to spell check this and post it.

Updated: d a i l y - r e a d s, my profile, my buddy list.

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