f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
08.09.03 || Concerning procreation and plans for Samhian
Kiddies, I have come to a very serious conclusion. I have decided that if, for any reason whatsoever there is the slightest chance that I will have to raise my children in the States, I just won't fucking procreate. It just won't happen. Period. EVER. I've found that regardless how down to earth and generally cool the parents may be, American children are demons from hell who, frankly, should be sent back where they belong.* I'm not going to lie and say there aren't demon children in every single country, the thing is, in other countries, at least the ones I've been to, the children don't have the idea that it's their right to scream in public, demand money so they can go show off their little 7-year-old midriff at the mall with their friends, or wind up on the Jenny Jones show at twelve talking about the men they sleep with who buy them all kinds of nice clothes down at the local Wal*Mart. Not that I blame the actual children. It's this society in general. This whole "Cram your face with the latest triple bypass burger and wash it down with the trendiest bottle of carbonated sugar water. Just be careful not to get any on your designer T-shirt or name brand flip-flops." attitude. The attitude that whoever has the biggest SUV or the fastest little car wins. This is what's forcing our children to grow up so fast. And this is what I will desperately try to avoid for any progeny I am responsible for.

In other news, Cosmo and I have decided to forego the usual "Halloween" party our friend throws at his club and instead have a quiet dinner with a few of our pagan friends down at Fio's before driving up to Anaheim for the night and going to Disneyland the next two days. Yes, it's been far too long since I've been to my happy place. Far, far too long. And after it's experienced such a horrible tragedy, I really feel a draw back to it.

And now I have to go. I have to shower and do all the stuff I hate to do because I have a job. Oh, how I do envy Miss-Edith for her joblessness.

*I'm sure I will flamed to no end for this comment.

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