f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
30.09.03 || Concerning random updates.
Oy kiddies, just a little update on the less philosophical aspects of my life, but ones that are still send my little heart a-flutter.

First and foremost, I just saw the trailer for LOTR:ROTK. Ye gods, I could die happy!! Oh, what? The movie's yet to come out?!! Crappy hell, I think after I joy-gasm through the entire viewing, I will die happy! T minus 77 days and counting.

Also, I'm only 2 months away from my new car. Once I have it, the customization will begin. Nothing drastic. New paint job, rims, leather interior. Yeah baby.

And now I hear that Nintendo has lowered the price of the GameCube. I'm quite sure I can swing $99 fairly soon.

I'm going to be starting my second knitting project soon. I'm all kinds of pleased with my first.

And Cosmo and I are considering moving from our beloved hometown to Seattle. Various reasons, and it's not certain yet, but we're thinking seriously about it. The fact that we would be paying about half the rent for a place the size we'd like up there, added to the fact that if I found a position doing the exact same thing I am now I could be bringing home 25% more are factors. Being that far away from the Jerry Springer show that is my family is another. The desire for a total change of scene is still another.

Also, I still have free books that I'd love to get rid of. Anyone interested?

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