f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
14.11.03 || Concerning me and the moon.
You know, I hear tell of some girls who aren't really effected by their cycles. Sure, the bleed itself is a nuisance, but aside from that, they're normal. Not only is my daily life effected by more than just my bleed, my cycle itself is connected to the lunar cycle in a huge way.

We'll just take this at the start of the lunar cycle, and I'm sure you'll see what I mean by the end of this entry. Around the new moon, I feel more or less normal, for what that's worth. I've got a good hold on my emotions and I'm fairly well balanced all around. As the moon waxes, this begins to shift. By about the first quarter, I'm more sensitive to greater forces. I am better at perceiving people's feelings and am more adept at self-analysis as well. As the moon continues to wax, that sensitivity becomes a little more volatile and my emotions usually take control, and while it's rare for me to rely on logic rather than heart, around this time, it's fucking impossible to do so. Sex, and anything sexual at all is on my brain a lot more. My usual high level of general lust starts to amp up. When the moon is full, it goes a bit out of control. Between the full moon and last quarter, the slightest insinuation can send electric sparks through my body. A day or so before the last quarter and I'm constantly turned on as I begin to stare at nearly anything male the way a starving lioness might eye a fat and happy antelope. My bleed usually starts around the last quarter, give or take, and that insane level of lust tapers off quickly. About a day or so into it and I'm so surly I don't even want to be looked at, much less touched. I'm also very moody, cry at the drop of a hat, more sensitive to heat and cold, less tolerant of pain, and like my steaks bloddier than usual. This fades as the bleed finishes up and I start to drift back to that short stage of "normalcy".

This emotional and physical cycle has followed the lunar cycle as long as I can remember. It was only recently, when I was discussing one aspect of it with a kiddie that I decided to expand my explanation and turn it into an entry.

So...where am I at now? Check your calendars kiddies. I could probably spontaneously orgasm if I were to sit back and entertain any of the fantasies swirling through my brain right now, I shudder to think what any outside stimulation might do to me. And if I had physical access to a guy, I could guarantee a rape conviction on my record...if he were to press charges of course. *wink*

Anyways...in other news, party tonight!! Raspberry martinis, movies, friend's house, Karaoke Revolution.

Tomorrow I'm picking up my little sister from the airport just in time for my cousin's wedding.

I need to get some shopping done this weekend for some of the kiddies I'll be gifting, and I want to get some pink yarn and some more panties, socks, and arm warmers. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?? It will be, shut up!

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