f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
30.11.03 || Concerning early morning thoughts.
I just woke up. I'm planning on writing this and crawling back to bed. I'm typing with one hand right now because my other hand is staying warm underneath my duvet that is wrapped around me.

So, you may be wondering, what all consuming thought made frozen-vodka crawl out of bed, force her possessed computer to connect, and then stare at this blueish-lavendar page with it's little white box?

Boys. *grin* Isn't that amusing? Boys, both real and imaginary. As far as real boys go, there are two on my mind this morning...one of my kiddies, and one of my ex-boyfriends. And the imaginary? I don't know...I've been dreaming about a blonde, blue eyed Russian. I often dream about boys of all types, but even though in my dream I know who they are, I never see them. They're always the nameless, faceless type. Not this boy. This boy I see clearly, and I've dreamt about him off and on for a couple weeks now. I don't recognize his face...I don't think I've seen him before anywhere other than my sleep, but I could definitely pick him out of a crowd. And I don't know what's more interesting...the fact that I'm dreaming about someone with blonde hair and blue eyes when normally I find that combination rather...boring, or the fact that half the time I dream about him, I'm also dreaming about the child we have. She's blonde...with his eyes and my nose and mouth and her laugh makes me smile.

It's unlike me really...all of it. I'm not usually pulled from sleep by thoughts of boys. Good or bad, there's not usually enough feeling behind it to force me out of bed.

Anyways...I should go. I have a busy day ahead of me and I'm still tired.

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