f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
04 March 2006 || Unordered Lists and Care Packages
This has been an amazing week, full of good [mostly] and bad [and I mean really bad].

  • Transcripts from my previous college came through and I'm able to drop 2 classes, meaning I only have 2 hellishly long days, and 3 slightly long-ish days.
  • I heard back on the internship with a researcher working on local shark populations, and while I don't have the requirements to be a research assistant, she does need a few people willing to do grunt work, so I'll be spending weekends this summer chumming for sharks and cleaning slides, and other menial yet awesome tasks.
  • I got my car back! It's better than ever, and they even gave it a full detail before passing it back to me.
  • I emailed my local contact for the SCA and, yes, I'm getting involved. Don't know what the SCA is? Google it and glory in my geekery.
  • I sold another painting! This one was only for $40 but that's $40 more than I had before I sold it!! Eventually I'll set up a gallery/archive for all of my creative works.
  • Iseult won an online contest with PetCo and I won a year's supply of kibble for her! Granted, a year's supply for one cat is a mere 3 months for 4 cats, but hell, that's 4 months of kibble people! Also, they will use her in either a local ad, or an online one. Fame for my lil'Iszy!
  • The horse that my Uncle gave me last year just foaled. He's a gorgeous little buckskin, the result of my cousin being a total dimwit and shutting a stallion in with a couple mares out of season. Screwed up their whole cycle, but I get an extra special colt! Haven't decided on a name, but click here and here for pictures. I'm looking through books for a good name, if anyone can remember the name of any particularly noble stallions, lemme know. I was given the choice to sell him ASAP, train then sell him, or keep him. I think I'm keeping him.
  • I got a raise at work.
  • I finished a novella. I'm working on filling it out and sending it out to publishing houses.

  • A good friend recently tested positive for HIV, for the second time. She's never been a high risk, always being safe, and has only had 3 partners. She's devestated. I'm shocked. And I'm through with sex until I'm sure it's someone I want to spend my life, and possibly [at this rate] death with.

So, there it is. Those of you that signed up for Now, THAT'S what I call Party-Shuffle V.1, I've just finished the pressies you're getting. Expect the wee packages in a couple weeks. Also, March is officially Linda Month. This month, she and her family will be getting a care package of amazing proportions from me. I'm putting finishing touches on it, and then, with the exception of letters & wee packages, I'm done for the year. Next month, it's someone else's turn. Possibly you?

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