f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
24.06.03 || 101
1 0 1 - t h i n g s

1. My given name is the same as my great-grandmother's. I am actually the 6th girl with my name in my family line.

2. I come from a "broken home".

3. My dad spent more time in prison than out during my life and my mom spends more time drunk than sober.

4. I have 5 cats. Tuman (female), Maharet (female), Mekare (female), Dralion (male) are all related, and Orangina (female) adopted us.

5. I love all types of music, but listen mainly hard rock, industrial, rap, and classical.

6. I call my hetero-life-mate "Lovey".

7. I like my job.

8. I am half Irish.

9. Most of my life has been spent in San Diego, but I love to travel.

10. I love tattoos.

11. I have a list of things I feel are required qualities in a guy. If a guy does not have all of these qualities, I won't let myself become serious about him. In my life, I have met 3 guys who have satisfied all of my listed requirements.

12. I studied french for 6 years and german for 1. I will become fluent in french and russian in my lifetime. I would also like to study chinese and gaelic.

13. I consider my hair "too long" if any part of it is more than 3 inches long. For this reason, many of my family members gossip about my "bull-dykedness" showing up more and more. Yes, my family thinks I am gay, and yes, they are stupid enough to use a term like "bull-dykedness".

14. I was raised Mormon, stopped going to the church when I was 13, and began down the Pagan path 5 years ago.

15. I wouldn't consider myself a photographer, but I have a professional grade camera and I can develop my own pictures.

16. I considered becoming a massage therapist, a body piercer, and an English teacher before deciding I really am not happy working for someone else.

17. I have major crushes on Pink and Angelina Jolie.

18. I have disowned my mom's brother.

19. My favorite color is green. My bedroom is painted an amazing shade of day-glo green.

20. I think my best features are my eyes and lips. My eyes have been described as green, brown, hazel, yellow, and honey. My top lip is very small and my bottom lip is very full. I apply my lipstick in a way to accentuate this.

21. I used to be a nanny.

22. I love drinking vodka, preferably Finlandia, straight and ice cold. I have a weakness for melon coladas.

23. My little sister is an eco-terrorist. She has broken into labs, vandalised, and stolen, all in the name of animal rights. She has, in the past, needed me to be her alibi in certain situations.

24. I was engaged to a rodeo cowboy when I was 17. We were waiting until I graduated from high-school to get married. He died in April of my senior year.

25. I wish I had small breasts.

26. My hetero-life-mate had one boyfriend I liked. He turned out to be a bastard. I'm very protective of her and more picky about her guys than mine. People think I'm afraid of "losing her" to someone else, but they just don't understand that isn't the case at all. I just can't stand the thought of her being unhappy, or hurt.

27. I like guys who are older than me, but I'm drawn to guys who are younger than me.

28. I love horror movies. The scarier the better, but I love crappy ones too.

29. I'm horrible with math of any sort. I never got higher than pre-algebra.

30. I dyed my hair auburn through all of highschool. When I see people now, that I knew in highschool, they don't recognize me right off.

31. I want to learn how to play the guitar and bass.

32. I was born on a Friday the 13th.

33. My mom and dad are both racist. As long as I could remember, my dad's been telling me that if I ever go out with a black man, he would kill the both of us. I have recently gotten him to stop using the "N" word around me. My mom still does. I recently told my mom about the boyfriend from Jamaica I had a few years back and she nearly had a heart attack.

34. I can cook, bake, embroider, sew clothes, crochet, darn socks, iron clothes nearly professionally, and tend a garden. I learned all these skills from a very old fashioned aunt I was shipped off to for the summer I turned 10.

35. I have my tongue pierced.

36. Dirty rap music is a weakness of mine.

37. I love corsets.

38. I have a wierd habit of giving people nicknames, even if I've only seen them once.

39. I like the rain, but love summer the most.

40. I got drunk and went down on a Navy guy once. I still can't remember his name.

41. I refuse to associate with exactly 3 people.

42. Adult Swim is my favorite show on TV. It's actually a group of shows on Cartoon Network on Sundays, but I'm counting it as my favorite show.

43. I have a friend who named his band after my hetero-life-mate. It's called [her name] is a whore. Of course, [her name] is replaced by her real name, but I don't name names.

44. I waste about 3 hours a day at work.

45. I once ran into the bad guy from the first Jurassic Park. You know, the fat guy who stole the embryos and got killed by the spitting dinosaurs. He was loaded down with hot dogs and big gulps at an AM/PM near Magic Mountain in California.

46. My favorite animal is the penguin.

47. I get manicures and pedicures regularly. I still hate my feet.

48. I was on the 5 year plan in high school. I repeated my 10th grade year because my mom put me in home school, but was never around to make me do anything.

49. I sleep an average of 6 hours a night. I usually wake up naturally after 6 hours. If I sleep any longer, it's very hard to get up.

50. I'm afraid of the dark.

51. I often think I'm a boring person.

52. I love riding in fast cars. Not driving them, because it scares me to be in control of that much power, but I get positively wet in the passenger seat.

53. Ditto for motorcycles.

54. I have never passed out or thrown up as a result of drinking too much. People I know attribute this to the Irish in me.

55. I have naturally blonde hair and I hate it.

56. One of my great joys in life is a really good sandwich.

57. I have seen Aerosmith, Toby Keith, Rammstein, Coldplay, Kid Rock, Mudvayne, Slipknot, System of a Down, Flogging Molly, Sawyer Brown, Buck'o'Nine, Chris LeDoux, New Kids On The Block, George Carlin, and Travis Tritt in concert.

58. I love Kit Kat Bites.

59. I shave my snatch.

60. I can't sing for shit. I can't carry a tune or hold a note. I think I'm tone deaf.

61. I have a knack for coming off like a bitch when I really don't mean to.

62. If a guy is insane or has massive personal baggage, he is usually attracted to me.

63. Las Vegas is one of my favorite places to vacation.

64. I've had a crush on Freddy Krueger since the first time I saw him.

65. I hate the dentist.

66. Sometimes I lie on my bed with my HLM and plot ways to kill my mother. This is usually after she comes home drunk or embarrasses me in public due to her drunkeness.

67. The first time I went to a gynocologist, I was 12. My mom made me go because she thought I was too young to have started my period. The gyno had her fingers up in me and said, "Well, you're not going to have a hard time having kids at all. You have the pelvis of a breeder!" I have never gone back to that dr., and I have never been more mortified in my life.

68. I love buying shoes, purses, and hats.

69. My favorite dessert is cheesecake.

70. I probably need therapy.

71. I like going to strip clubs. There's something amazing at seeing how hard those girls work. Besides, the female body is gorgeous. I find male strippers obscene.

72. I occassionally like to bling-bling.

73. I'm always in the mood for pizza.

74. The best ride at Disneyland is the Haunted Mansion, followed closely by Splash Mountain. My HLM and I have had year passes every year for the past 9 years. Yes, we still go. Yes, we still love it. And yes, we have eaten at Club 33.

75. I can't stand clutter in my home. It sucks for me to live at my grandmother's house, since she's a packrat.

76. The relationship my HLM and I have can be most closely likened to a marriage. We share a bank account, an address, a car. We fight, we make up, we take care of eachother, we have designated roles (she's the man). We've known eachother for 10 years on September 2nd, and all I can say is that the guys we wind up with had better get along because we will be living together for the rest of our lives.

77. I plan to stretch my ears to at least an inch in diameter. I'm getting my nose pierced in July. I will be getting my eyebrow pierced twice, my labret, and I'm considering my lip. I also have about 10 tattoos planned. My HLM is designing them all.

78. Porn is cool. Hentai is cooler.

79. I get the munchies when I'm drunk. I've never gotten high. I've tried twice, but I wind up in a horrible coughing fit. I would probably try again, but I don't want to badly enough to go out looking for it.

80. I will try any sort of food. The strangest things I have eaten are escargot(snails), prarie oysters (buffalo testes), and monkey brains. I forget what the dish was actually called. I draw the line at anything still living, veal, shark, and caviar.

81. Cristal tastes like sweet piss.

82. My HLM is my barbie doll. I have full control over her wardrobe, and vice-versa.

83. I pee about 6 times a day. My piss is usually clear. This is prolly because I drink up to 7 liters of water per day.

84. I I've always wanted to go on a cruise, even though normally, I hate shit like that. When I do wind up going on one, (I won't be one of those freaks that say I've traveled to the places the ship has stopped in. A cruis isn't travelling, it's a luxury hotel on the water.

85. I went through a depressed period where I considered suicide on a daily basis. This lasted over a year and I very nearly killed myself one night.

86. My day is not complete unless I read Get Fuzzy, Pearls Before Swine, Jane's World, 9 Chickweed Lane, Luann, Frazz, Jump Start, One Big Happy, For Better or For Worse, Rose Is Rose, check my buddy list, my Diaryland stats, my email, and my guestbook, check in with B3ta, and Rather Good. I also have to log onto my MSN and my Yahoo Messenger and see if any of my internet friends are online.

87. I love every kind of cheese I have ever tasted.

88. I pride myself on being a gracious and attentive hostess.

89. I have a mutant hair that grows right above my lip. I discovered it when I got a hair stuck between my teeth and couldn't dislodge it by pulling my hair away from my face. I also have a mutant hair that grows on the bridge of my nose. I have a single eyelash that grows straight down. If I don't pluck it, it pokes my eye.

90. Cucumbers give me gas.

91. I am still technically a virgin.

92. My children will be multi-lingual.

93. I love potatoes. I love them more when I am drunk. Carne asada fries are the work of demons. Mmmm....carne asada fries.

94. Metallica still rocks.

95. I faked my way through my high-school senior project and passed with the 3rd highest grade in my class. The entire thing was a work of my imagination, sources and all.

96. I love black skirts. Whenever I see a new and interesting one, I must buy it.

97. The thing I miss most about San Diego whenever I leave it for any length of time is the access to Mexican food.

98. My dad was in prison with Danny Trejo.

99. When I was younger, I almost got jumped into a gang. The only that stopped me was the fact that the day before, my house got raided, my dad got arrested, and I got shipped off to my relatives.

100. I know how to shoot a gun, and a bow. I prefer the bow.

101. If you made it this far, you are probably as bored as I was.

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