f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
17 May 2004 || Concerning being a slackariffic biotch.
Monday morning.

I haven't been sleeping well. In fact, though I slept a lot this weekend, it was never restful, and I feel more drained and exhausted than I did on Friday.

I've also been being a horrible, horrible slacker of late...I haven't been reading. I haven't been writing. I have been doing the bare minimum at work. I have no idea what's wrong with me. The only thing I've been keeping up with have been my workouts, which makes me feel a little less pathetic, but still.

I did, however, pick up a new book this weekend, recommended by my boy. Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite. Interesting, if one can stomach the graphic descriptions of homo-erotic cannibalism, which I can. *grin* Ah, the joys of having a gothy, artsy, dark, bookworm for a love interest. He's actually given me a list of books...I'll be working my way through them in the coming weeks. One of which, House of Leaves, looks to be pretty challenging, and therefore has me so excited, I'm saving it for last.


I also saw Troy this weekend. It was...it was good. It was better than expected, and while I loath Orlando Bloom, and I've seen Brad Pitt in better roles, I was still impressed. The violence was good, the fight scenes intense. I enjoyed it a lot...Hector and Achilles were prime examples of what men should still be. Paris...Paris was a mewling brat, lacking of courage and honor. In fact, Troy sparked a lengthy conversation about the honor of men...what is honorable, what isn't, why it's so important, and so very attractive to some women. Personally, I feel that if a man has no honor, he's not a man.

I need to get back to work. I promised myself I would work my ass of today to make up for these past two weeks, and I haven't even come close.

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