f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
18 October 2005 || Concerning an impropmtu rendevous.
So here I sit, in a random state of undress.

There's something about the forbidden, the....taboo.... The cop that I'm kinda, sorta seeing, well, he works the college campus, but as part of his duty, he has to run a regular beat once a week. So he calls me and asks me what I'm doing, and asks me to meet him. I'm bored, I've just thrown my latest knitting project across the room [I'll explain that later], and I've time to kill before the new SVU. Shut it you, you know it's the best Law and Order.

So I meet him down in the parking lot of a favorite coffee shop. And he's way more copped out than usual. He normally wears the uniform slacks and a polo type shirt, duty belt, badge, etc. He's in full on uniform shirt, etc. Mmm...hot. So he gets out of his cruiser, I get out of my car, and he strolls over.

There weren't many words exchanged, but suddenly, I'm pressed between him and the back of my Element. It seemed like hours passed, but it could have only been minutes. Still, I came away dazed, my lips throbbing from the pressure of his, face rubbed raw by a day's worth of stubble, hair disheveled and dress rumpled.

Then we were clinging to one another in the darkness, I could feel him smiling against the side of my throat, and I had my doubts as to whether I could stand on my own, should he step back just then.

He did that, slowly. And we smiled. And he offered to buy me some coffee. I asked for tea. He smiled again and noticed my lipstick was smeared. I smiled back and noticed he was wearing some himself. He ran a hand through my hair and walked me to the coffee shop to buy my tea before walking me back to my car. He closed the door after me and hung in my window, glancing at his watch because he should have been back cruising the streets already, and we reluctantly parted ways, after a few less heated kisses were exchanged. He told me to get to bed early. I told him to shove off.

And now I'm home. And it's time to gargle with salt water and watch SVU.

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