f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
29 October 2007 || Concerning Halloween

What was your first Halloween costume?
I think there are pictures of myself as Strawberry Shortcake? The first one I remember was a pirate. I was like, 7.

What costume did you hate?
The pirate costume, when my mom drew on my face with mascara.

What are you going to be this year?
meh... I was Pebbles for Arabella's birthday party. I'm done dressing up this year.

What was your most expensive costume?
I was a Bondage Fairy one year, it was.... fun. I have this friend, see... anyhoo.... it takes a few drinks for me to tell that story and more than a few for the details.

What was your favorite costume?
See above.

What would you love to be?
hmm.... something incredibly scary, and/or unique. Like a giant banana. Okay, not really unique, but I could run around singing "peanutbutterjelly peanutbutterjelly peanutbutterjelly with a baseball bat!!"

When was the last time you went trick-or-treating?
high school


M&Ms or Skittles?
Peanut M&Ms

Berry or Tropical Flavors?

White, Milk, or Dark Chocolate?

Sour or Sweet?

Chewy or Crunchy?

Cloddhoppers or Whoppers?
...wtf are cloddhoppers? - erm.... I second that.

Chocolate-covered Raisins or Peanuts?

Starburst or Gobstoppers?
o0o0 that's a tuffie....Starburst...

Bubble gum or lollipops?
Bubble Gum inside lollipops :-D


What was the first horror movie you saw?

What was the last horror movie you saw?
Currently watching Friday the 13th....some number. Who knows. We'll say 802. Yes. I am currently watching Friday the 13th 802. How do I write that in roman numerals?

Zombies or Aliens?
Are we going for scarier? Because while being raised from the dead is kinda scary, you can outrun zombies. Now, as far as aliens go, are we talking about the Great Gazoo, or whatever he was called? Or the Queen Bitch from Aliens? If it's the latter, you gon' die!

Ghosts or Vampires?
Vampires are hella sexier. Buy me a drink and I'll tell you all about the various theories of the vampire myth and human sexuality. Buy me a couple drinks, and I'll get into why vampires are considered so sexual, and I'm talking pre-Anne Rice stylization here. Buy me enough drinks, and I'll show you.

What are the goriest movies you have seen?
If you haven't had an Italian movie horror fest, you haven't lived. That is, if you LIKE gore. If you don't, bring a sick bag.

Who is scarier: The Ring girl or The Exorcist girl?
How about neither and I say the Ringu girl? Because the Exorcist girl wasn't scary, that the devil did to her was scary. totally different.

Who is Scarier: The Saw clown or the Chucky doll?
The saw puppet.

What did you like better: Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of The Dark?
Goosebumps was after my time. By the time Goosebumps was out, I had moved on to Tales from the Crypt.

What do you prefer: Resident Evil or Silent Hill?
Resident Evil. Mila Jovovich is HAWT.

What was the scariest video game you have played?
Manhunt creeped me out. The radar thing beeping in my ear built tension in a way that fucked with my head.

~Rap-Up~ (call me a lit major jerk, but that misspelling makes me cry)

What are you doing for Halloween this year?
Taking Hannah out Trick or Treating - apparently, so am I.

What is your biggest pet peeve about trick-or-treaters?
The high school kids that don't try for a costume. I kick them off my porch. I'm a candy Nazi. No costume?? NO CANDY FOR YOU! BACK OF THE LINE!

What was your favorite jack-o-lantern you helped carve?
The cat one when my mom started getting into the Pumpkin Masters thing.

Have you ever been out on Devils Night?
Heh heh..... wouldn't YOU like to see the pictures...

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