f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
10.02.04 || Concerning the return of frozen-vodka.
Kiddies, I am in a good mood. Ask me why I am in a good mood. I don't care if you're just sitting there staring at your monitor thinking how stupid of a request this is, that you ask a pre-written entry from some bitch you don't really know [or do you?] a useless question that will undoubtedly be answered in a few sentences anyways. Ask me why I am in a good mood. Say it!

Well kiddies, remember how I have been promising and promising that I would be getting back to normal soon. I have discovered what my issue has been. You are lucky this is online kiddies, or else, I would be making you guess what it is. I like playing stupid, childish games like that. It amuses me. Ask my ex-fianc�, I do it to him on the phone all the time.

My problem has been too many solo orgasms. Plus, it has been far too long since I have had good, regular exposure to cock.

Obviously, I am talking about Newcastle [who still has not made it to the cast page, but I will get around to it eventually]. Aside from being nearly excruciating in his perfection, he is quite eager to please, and does very well in that area, I may add. I am getting ahead of myself...

The last time I talked about Newcastle, I told you all the whole beginning of it, yeah? Well, things have been going along at a nice rate. He delivered what seemed like a truck full of pink roses [which are the only roses I actually like] to my house on Imbolc. They have lasted a long time...they still look pristine. I have roses all over the coffee table, the mantle, the counters, and the bookshelves. I have been giving them away to friends, I have so many. He calls me every night to check in and say good night. I get a wake up call about twice a week, telling me to either go look at my car or to meet him on the front porch. Sometimes there is a travel mug of hot cocoa or tea, sometimes some flowers, sometimes something like cat treats. This morning, I woke up to find he had left me a basket of fresh, hot croissants. Why he likes to ditch his pressies and then call me, I do not know, but breakfast was amazing. His tastes in music are fairly broad, and he's open minded enough to give anything new a listen. We like the same types of movies, and he is exceedingly grateful I am not a chick-flick kind of girl. I kick his ass at any sort of video game though. Still, he makes up for it in trash talking.

And I haven't gotten to the sexual activity that's been heating things up...oh damn, look at the time...

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