f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
12.02.03 || Concerning an I told you so.
I warned you.




That's okay, it's nice to have a little laugh this morning. Let's do this...

Chessy said:

I have to agree with you there! Toilet seat covers are dumb! I hate when people are like "ahh don�t sit on the toilet!" Why not?! Oh god! The thought of someone else's ass being on the toilet is too disgusting for them to stand.

Good for you Chessy! No more buying into the rest of this society's useless fear of public toilets!

Barbara said:

LOL, I thought I had bathroom issues, but you by far beat me in that area.

I use those toilet seat covers. Gives me a false sense of security. By the way. I love your banner, because that is how I keep my vodka.

Okay...thanks for the compliment love. You're an idiot, but at least you admit it. That's the first step, and I applaud your admission! Are you going to continue your paper wasting?

But here's the best one people.

Goddess2b said:

Just FYI, you can catch things from toilet seats, they don't have to touch your most intimate parts of the body. I guess you slept through that part of health class or went through a worst public school system than the one I went through? LOL!

And, for the record, I normally just balance over a public toilet seat...I mean how healthy can it be if I first have to wipe down the toilet seat, so I can put the toilet seat cover on it? EWWW

Just FYI, go to your local hospital, ask for the resident disease specialist, and ask him. I did. (long story, I'm not really that paranoid, it came up in conversation) You CAN NOT catch anything from just sitting your ass down on a toilet seat.

Oh my GOD, you really are a flaming moron, aren't you? Do they let you out much? Oh wait, are you "special"? I have a personal rule against mocking the "special". Too bad, you didn't specify.

Just FYI dear, if you believe everything you "learn" in school, you're in for a rude awakening in the real world. Or maybe not, maybe you'll be one of the few winners of the Darwin Award who never have to wake up and see reality. Maybe you're one of the millions of think the real world is just like The Real World [(c) MTV].

Go ahead Goddess2b, go ahead and fear the toilet seat, fear "catching something" (no one ever did specify what they were afraid of catching, can you fill me in Goddess2b?), just keep fearing. You'll grow up to be afraid of bigger things one day, the stock market, social security, the war on drugs, whatever...

Then you'll pop out babies and teach them to fear. Go ahead and continue to fear and propagate fear. Be a proud part of this scared-as-hell society!

But if I ever walk past you in a ghetto public bathroom, you know, the kind missing the doors, don't be too shocked if I see you balancing (ever-so-carefully) over the toilet seat, take you by the shoulders, and push you onto it.

Fear that, freakshow.

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