f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
02.27.03 || Concerning love given, love received.
I just got an amazing compliment today. And it was one of those compliments that make me feel...complimented, but I'm not really sure why.

"The equivalent of making out with a purple-lipped stranger in the ice cream aisle of the health food store."

Wow...what do you say to that?

Thanks Poppy.

Which got me to thinking...what are some of the other comments people have made about my diary, and how do they make me feel?

Livefan91200 pretty much stated the obvious, I do like sex. A lot. I think people should talk about it more, I think people should have it more, and I think it's about god damn time I got me some!

Juice Mom said I'm a very upfront kind of girl and then promised to read me often. I try to be upfront, but I don't even let you all see some things...those are just for me, and they are usually my more bitchy and evil things that I need to get out one way or another. I just don't feel anyone needs to read them. And I've tried to read her journal a few times, but she doesn't seem to update often.

Pitbulbarbie says I got her attention by talking about sex, drugs, and alcohol. Cool. She doesn't seem to make many comments about her fave diaries, so I'm flattered by that fact alone. Also, she's cute and she likes pitbulls. I'd do her if I were gay.

I don't know what to say about Unloved Metal. I totally dig her layout though!

This guy is cool. I liked his Jailhouse Tango layout better though. According to him, I'm "so honest it's shocking!" It's about time!! I'm not nearly this honest in real life. I try to be. I grew up having to suppress everything. I was always too loud, too weird, too much of a smart-ass, too much of everything bad, and not enough of everything good. I still hide who I am from certain people. My grandparents mainly...they'll be gone eventually though, and I don't care what the rest of my family thinks about me. Fuck 'em.

Neurotic One is a foster mom, which wins my respect outright, but she also knows how to drink vodka! That's my kind of woman!

She reminds me of me when I was in high school. *sigh* I hated high school because I hated how it made me feel. I also like the fact that when I check in with her diary, I'm going to have at LEAST 4 entries to read. One of the things that annoy me the most is when people don't update. *grin* And apparently, I'm so addictive, I make her drool. Hmm....she's addicted to frozen-vodka...does this make her a virtual alcoholic? Okay, that was horrible. I don't even thing that counts as a pun, it sucked so bad.

Charlene, I can't figure myself out babe, I don't expect anyone else to be able to. Although, every once in awhile she does. I still throw her for a loop every once in awhile though, so go figure.

Imaginated thinks I have talent? Hon, those bathroom related entries were nothing compared to the pent up shit I've yet to let out. Stay tuned, I'm just getting comfortable! You know what I like about this whole anonymous diary thing? I feel comfortable talking about whatever the hell I want, be it my bothersome cherry, Mr. Cunny Bunny, my many bathroom hangups, whatever, and even if you people DO judge me, in the end, who the hell are you? You don't have the power to make me feel bad. In fact, the few comments I've gotten that could be construed as "bad" still boost my damn ego! Why? Cause I obviously effected you so much that you felt the need to tell me about it. I love it. I eat that shit up. Call me a dumb bitch, point out that my idea of virginity is out dated, I don't give a shit, cause you don't fucking know me!!! *grin* Ain't that great? Still, I do enjoy the nice comments, so keep 'em coming!

Gigglewater wishes every Mormon was like me. Well, I'm not a Mormon anymore. I'm an ex-Mormon. My life was hell when I was a Mormon. I'm recovering though, I'm getting better, slowly. You know what though, I run into more Pagans that used to be Mormon, it's freaky!

Owcowkee was amused by Mr. Cunny Bunny. *grin* I was amused by that as well, as was everyone out here in the real world who heard me call it that. By the way, Cunny Bunny the Second arrived a week ago. I have yet to break him in. I'm planning to tonight though. If I get even one comment that asks me to, I'll devote a whole entry to that, alright? Oh yeah baby, I take requests. Fuck, you wanna give me something to talk about, go for it!

And of course, thank you again Poppy, your comment about my diary really did make my day, although I still can't explain why.

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