f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
15.03.03 || Concerning our waitress at Denny's.
We call her Baby Jane. I don't know her real name, but the nickname Baby Jane fits her well. She looks to be about 60ish. She has her reddish-brown, obviously dyed hair cut into a chin length bob. She pulls the front on her hair away from her face into two miniature pigtails. It's her face, or what she does to it rather, that is really amazing. Her foundation is about a shade or two too pale. She wears this like a mask, failing to blend it into her hairline or neck. On top of this she puts two large spots of bright pink blush, one on each cheek. They are rather perfect circles actually, reminding me of the dolls I had as a girl with their factory painted faces.

Her eyelids are coated in a lavish smear of colored powder. Sometimes blue, sometimes pink. She seems to have about five big, thick eyelashes framing each overly wide eye. Her eyes also remind me of a doll. The dolls with weighted eyes. They would close when lying down and open when upright. If you leaned them forward, their eyes would open far too wide. This is how Baby Jane looks.

Her lips...it is her lips that really complete the picture. She always wears something dark. Too dark for her too pale face. She manages to apply it to her bottom lip almost normally. The lipline is always a little uneven, sometimes it wavers. Her top lip is a different story. It starts at one corner of her mouth, goes up and across, coming within millimeters of her nose, and down to the other corner of her mouth. The indent in the middle of most people's top lips doesn't seem to exist in hers.

Her voice changes sometimes. Most of the time it seems forced into a higher pitch. You can tell when she's frustrated because it drops a few octaves and sounds almost like an adult. She flutters around the restaurant like a butterfly, from one table to another with no apparent purpose.

This woman intrigues me. I would love to photograph her. She would be an amazing study subject. When I figure out how to approach her, I may upload some pictures.

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