f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
15.03.03 || Concerning the guy in the grocery store, redux.
He was there again today. The guy at the grocery store. Wait...am I repeating myself? I do believe I am. I can't help it though. I don't know what it is about that boy.

I know he's in the vicinity before I even see him. An electric tingle goes up my spine. I feel him. The air around me gets thicker and I can almost hear him moving through it.

I still don't know him. I still have never said more than 5 words at a time to him. I don't know his name. I know nothing about him, but damn! I could fall in love with that boy.

At least for a good week or so. *grin*

In other boy news, a friend of a friend offered to bubblewrap him and send him to me. How sweet is that?

Oh, but have I told you about my newest celebrity crush?

Yeah...he's tonguebath worthy, isn't he? But kiddies...remember, I seem to be an accent slut. I fell for this yummy boy after finding out he really is Irish, and then got a sample of his Irish yumminess in Daredevil. Oh yeah kiddies, it was good for me...can't remember a damn scene that he wasn't in, but my oh my...just thinking about it gets me wet.

I have to go now, I need a shower and I need some food.

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