f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
22.03.03 || Concerning war.
Our president is an asshole. People are dying. Oil wells are on fire, spewing who knows how much contamination into the environment.

How can a parent teach a child that just because Suzy took your toy, it's no reason to hit her. How can one say violence is not the answer. Look at how world leaders solve their problems. They don't talk it out. They aren't reasonable. They declare war. It's the age old "My daddy can kick your daddy's ass" on a much larger scale.

I am sad. I am sad and ashamed. I hate that the people have no say. I hate that what we do doesn't matter. I hate that young men and women are dying at the whims of stodgy old bastards. You want to go to war? Then fucking go to war your own damn self! Don't send other people to die for you.


I hate our president. I hate this country's "God Bless America-Fuck Everyone Else" attitude. People can't even say they're against the war anymore without suffering. What ever happened to free speech?

I support our troops becuase they have no choice. Fuck the president. Fuck everyone who's pro-war. Fuck the biased media coverage. Fuck it all.

I've been going here for my war coverage.

We, as a country, keep acting like it's our god-given right to rule the fucking world. You know what, keep strutting around stroking that "might makes right" cock of yours. They're gonna bring this fight home one day, and we all deserve it. When you're waking up to air raid sirens at night and praying to whatever higher power you believe in that your children won't be a casualty to the powers that be, remember this: You fucking brought it on all of us.

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