f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
18.04.03 || 19
Have I told you kiddies how impulsive I am? It's really quite bad sometimes. I fall prey to the usual impulses, the pack of gum in the checkout aisle, buying that pair of shoes with money meant for something slightly more important (rent, groceries, etc). Sure, I have been known to go get my drink on the night before I have to be at work at the buttcrack of dawn. I have, on occassion, said something along the lines of:

"Man, I could really go for some good Mexican food/a Monte Cristo sandwich/a good buffet! If we get in the car now, we could be in Puerto Nuevo/at Disneyland/in Vegas in no time!"

But nothing really compares to this last bout of impulsive behavior.

I was cruising around on Amazon and saw a DVD player on sale for less than $60. Seeings as how I've been using my PS2 as a DVD player since I got it, I figured, what the hell?

A week later, we come home to see it sitting on the front porch. We take it inside to hook it up, and guess what? It's too new to be compatable with our TV. So, what's my bright idea? Let's run down to Target and pick up a TV!!

We now have this little beauty residing on the dresser.

Oh, but that's not all. Later that week, I decided we needed a laundry bin, so we went to Ikea. *sigh*

We found the laundry bin. And 4 stackable shoe racks. And 2 new duvets. And 2 new duvet covers. And 2 new bottom sheets. And 2 pillows. And 4 pillowcases. And 2 ice rod trays.

And while we were out, we decided to go to Petco because we needed more food for the wubbies. Oh, and didn't the vet say we should start brushing their teeth? And we should prolly get some more cat grass, since they never get outside. And they could really use something to climb and play on.

And since we're in the area, let's go back to Target and pick up some shampoo. And body wash. And TP. And leave-in conditioner. And a couple shirts. And a new skirt. And a couple new blouses. And the new Justin Timberlake, T.A.T.u., Chicago, and House of 1000 Corpses CDs. Oh, and we really need the Red Dragon DVD too.

And this, kiddies, is the real reason I prefer guy friends and have a large collection of porn. Because when I get all impulsive and spend all my money more than a week before payday, I know my Friday night won't suck because I have guy friends and they like porn, and I have a brand new TV, a large porn collection, and a constant supply of alcohol. Yes, this is what I'd call a party @ my house night. Just think: I get a house full of friends, they usually bring food and more booze, and I don't have to spend a dime. *grin* Sweet.

In other news, I just drank my Yoplait through a straw, scooping the remains out with the end of my pen because I was too lazy to drag my ass to the break room for a spoon.

This is really off topic, but allow me to describe my work situation to you all.

My department is on the second floor of a building. Most of my department shares a space with customer service. I, however, am in another office. Same building, same floor. There's not enough room for us all to be together. So my cube, along with the cubes of 5 other people in my department, are in thei little office space that seems to be meant to be the VP's entryway. He likes it cold, so we all freeze. I work the 10:30 to 7 shift, which is great for me because I never worry about traffic, I can get up whenever I want, and between 5 and 7, I'm in this little office alone.

There are many days when I just turn the music up and have my own little dance party back here.

Boo-yeah, lotsa privacy for this no-rythm having white girl!!

Good thing I'm blasting Flogging Molly today, all I have to do is bouce around like a monkey on crack and keep to the beat. The days I'm in a Nelly or R. Kelly mood get pretty ugly!

Only bad thing? My comp's wannabe speaker sucks.

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