f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
05.08.03 || 2
I am so fucking bored. I have a ton of work, yet I'm B O R E D. Therefore, it would stand to reason this will be a boring as entry. Although, I could strike upon some epiphany that will just blow your mind, so you may as well continue reading.

You know, I pretty much realized that I've gotten beyond caring about entertaining you guys. This is a good thing because I don't feel pressured to "perform". Unfortunately for you, it means you may, on occasion, be subjected to entries like this.

S O.

F U C K I N G.

B O R E D.

I haven't been horny lately. That's some kind of news, right? I have no idea why I haven't been...the last time I tried to take care of business, I was so close, so VERY close, and it just slipped away. Just...gone, like it was never there to begin with.

Dude! Yeah, I was frustrated. At that point I might have just been rubbin' up on my fucking knee...there was nothin'. It reminded me of that one Dave Chappelle skit with the "Wrap It Up" box. I kept going for awhile, but it was just time to wrap it up. Since then, no real desire to molest myself.

In other news, I'm thinking seriously of disowning my bitchy little sister and adopting Poppy.

In more other news, even though I haven't even seen the kid, I am madly crushing on the lead singer of the All-American Rejects. Why? That catchy ass song with that adorable faux voice-cracking thing he does. I could go find a pic of him, but I prefer to just close my eyes and smile while listening to "Swing, Swing". Some things are just better to leave to the imagination.

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