f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
07.08.03 || 7
I live in San Diego, California. Now kiddies, as you may have heard, California is in big trouble. We have a governor that doesn't seem to know what the hell he's doing. So people got it in their head to recall him. Well, there are enough signatures to say he should be recalled, and we'll be coming up on an election soon [I think] to vote on it.

Here's the part where I'm glad I'm a Cali girl.

Not only are hundreds of normal people filing paperwork to run for governor, but now the big boys are coming out to play.

Gallagher [yes, the guy who smashes things] is collecting signatures to run.

Gary Coleman is running.

An 18-year-old college freshman that lost his high school ASB election is running.

Larry Flynt is running with a plan to legalize drugs and prostitution.

And of course, Arnie himself has thrown his hat in the ring.

Oddly enough, though I doubt any of you kiddies remember the movie Demolition Man, this was partially foretold in that flick.

Could we possibly be looking at the first step on the way to the White House?? Granted, it would take a Constitutional amendment, but that's really a tiny obstacle.

Personally, I'll be proudly casting my vote for "the smut peddler who cares."

In other news, yesterday was Cosmo's birthday. Thanks to all the kiddies who sent your well-wishes, she was positively tickled that people who don't even know her would be wishing her a happy birthday.

Last night we went out with some chicks from work for a girl's going away party. She's been here less than a month and she's leaving already. Yeah, our boss sucks that bad. Afterwards, we went up to a friend's house to change and went out to our other friend's club. He shut the place down last night for an �ber-VIP night. I really need to start nicknaming these people�I�ll work on that.

Anyways, so we were up there until about 3am. I got very drunk. I started out with about 3 margarita�s with dinner, had a couple shots with the girls while getting dressed, and since it was an open bar, got ripped. Same with Cosmo. There was a birthday cake and loud music and cool people all around. A brilliant time was had by all, and I�m EXHAUSTED today. Cosmo�s got her heart set on the gym tonight�I�ve got my heart set on a shower and my bed. We�ll see who wins.

Moving on, when I was a nanny, I had to work a few long weekends when the parents went out of town. One of these times was over Labor Day. Cosmo had come down to keep me company one afternoon. The kids were napping and the family had digital cable. While channel surfing, I stumbled across a channel called WAM!. It seemed to be a network for pre-teens/young adults. Anyways, it was running a marathon of this show from New Zealand called The Tribe. I�m sure one of you kiddies had to have seen this before. At first, we watched a couple episodes because it looked interesting, little New Zealanders with their faces all painted up. Then�as the marathon progressed, I got sucked in. Of course, I tortured Cosmo with the entire freaking marathon. After that weekend, I was all Tribed out. Recently however, it�s popped back in my head and I�m bemoaning the fact that I don�t have digital cable so I can follow the adventures of my little Mallrats. Are they even in the Mall anymore? And what�s happened to everyone? In my sudden craving for all things Tribe, I went looking online for possible sources of information. I found info aplenty, but I�m slowly realizing it�s not enough to read about it all. I want to see it. Not only do I want to see it, but I want to see it all from the beginning. They�re like on season 4 now? I want to sit down and watch seasons 1-3, and then start catching up with the current season.

Alas, I won�t be able to. I can�t find a single source for The Tribe on DVD. Not even on VHS! *sigh* I guess I�m doomed to never know what happened with the baby and The Guardian and Lex and Trudy and Ebony and Bray and the rest of them�

Woe is me kiddies, watch me pout!

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