f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
08.08.03 || 8
Oy kiddies. I'm kind of drained right now. Cosmo and I got in a mad fight this morning and I'm emotionally drained. I'm always drained after we argue.

When our friends hear us fight, they always feel the need to settle us down and stop it from happening. A fight between Cosmo and I is like a hurricane. You really should just get somewhere safe and wait for it to be over. Our fights aren't damaging. We don't say hurtful things to each other, except for the occasional name calling that neither of us takes seriously.

When I describe a fight later to someone, they are usually amazed we're still friends. For example, there is another "couple" here at work. Their friendship is very similar, but they make it seem like they are closer than Cosmo and I because of the mere fact that they've never argued. Ever. Never any fights any disagreements. Well, there was that one time they went on a week long vacation to Disneyworld and nearly killed each other, but they learned their lesson and now they just don't holiday together.

Really, what's the fun of that?

If the argument isn't harmful...if it gets resolved with no hurt feelings on either side, I think a good raging fight is healthy. Get some pent up aggression and stress out.

I digress...

So Cosmo and I got in a fight this morning. It about the same old crap. Nonsense really. We're two adults and we could be rational about these things, but sometimes something is just stressful or disappointing or annoying enough that logic is thrown out the window and we're reduced to raised voices and finger-pointing.

She cried, I cried, and it's over. It wasn't a cheesy, mutual-cry thing. Ugh. I don't know about her, but this week has just been so...S T R E S S F U L! I think for both of us the week has just been so long, so rough, so much crap...our emotions got the better of us and it had to come out one way or another. *sigh*

So...I'm exhausted. I'm trying to respond to all the emails and what not all you kiddies have sent in the past few days, and you know I'm usually chatty as hell, but bear with me if I don't look at a freaking computer this weekend.

The plan for the next 2 days goes something like this:



Play Harry Potter, DMC2, and Summer Heat Volleyball.

Go to the gym.

Repeat as needed.

That's about fucking it.

In other news, Jon Stewart was awesome last night. Of course, our elections got a lot of play. *chuckles* Yeah, it was that funny. He also had Tracey Ullman on, who is one of my idols.

In still other news, there�s this scary beast chick that works in the cube next to mine. She�s surly and looks like she hates us all. I�ve tried to be nice, but she�s not receptive, so fuck it, Scary Beast Chick she is! Anyways, I think she has a Gameboy or something that she plays every time she�s on hold. I just peeked through the crack in the cube panels at her and she�s definitely playing some sort of handheld video game. Here�s the thing, she�s about 45. Military wife, a couple kids. She doesn�t look the type. Oh well, who really is �the type� anyways. Looking at me, I�m sure you wouldn�t imagine that I wear corsets, play video games, follow rugby, am obsessed with Harry Potter, the LOTR trilogy and Poppy, have a crush on Johnny (both of them), and still hold on to the childish dream that one day I can live inside of Disneyland. On the outside, you see my greenish-yellow short hair, my nose piercing, and my mixture of punky-gothy-preppy styles. You�d never guess I�m slightly afraid of the dark, love Sanrio, and could kick your ass at Mortal Kombat.

Here�s to some well-deserved sleep kiddies. Maybe I�ll be back to my normal self next week and you won�t be subjected to such boring ass entries. Then again, maybe not.

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