f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
13.08.03 || 16
Just an update on what we are now referring to, "Project Idiot."

The idiot in question being my little sister.

Lost? Go back and read the last entry.

Turns out the only way said strands of said string mop could have gotten into the septic tank is through the toilet. The sinks and shower connect directly to the main line, we're without water because my grandpa turned the water main off.

Through the toilet?

Yes kiddies, through the fucking toilet.

This means that when my little sister was mopping the floors with said string mop, she was rinsing it in the fucking toilet.

*rolls eyes*

Seriously, no comment. I am exhausted by the amount of stupidity displayed by this girl.

In other news, I just found out my dad is getting married to his long time girlfriend in October!

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