f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
19.08.03 || 27
G'morning kiddies. Sleep well? I didn't Sleep that is.

Ever have one of those nights that by the time you're ready to call it quits and go to bed, you might as well just chase a couple Vivarin with a Frappachino? It's 5.26 and I have to be at work this morning in 2 hours.

At least I had a good night.

Of course, as I can see by my entries last night, I got a tiny bit FUBAR, but a good time was had by all. We danced, the music got loud, we all got drunk, people called cabs, people crept off to one of the 3 empty bedrooms, some of us just pulled an all nighter. I quit drinking around midnight, but I don't think I'm fully sober yet. Good thing Cosmo and I carpool to work.

Nothing to interesting happened, just a regular old house party. A tame one at that. The cops never showed up. Nothing got broken. No one puked anywhere.

And the toilets performed beautifully. *grin*

I'm sure I'll be hating life in about 3 to 4 hours.

And now I'll respond to some email.

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