f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
30.08.03 || 61
--2nd Entry Today--

From: frozen-vodka

To: [anonymous kiddie]

Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 12:06:53 -0400

Subject: Re:

*sigh* I love my mechanic!! [Mechanic Dude] is a fucking lifesaver. And apparently, my current lack of male influence has really taken a tole on my car. Shall I tell you what's wrong with my car? Why it's been shaking so terribly? Well, my two front tires are bald and the right one is FLAT. Yes, you read right. I've been driving around with a fairly flat tire. 20 miles to work, 20 miles back, and smaller trips in between. The shocked/horrified/amused look on [MD]'s face was very interesting. *grin* Maybe I should just forget the fact that he's a baby-faced, chew-usin', goombah and hook up with him. At least then I wouldn't have car problems due to lack of attention and general stupidity, yeah?


You know how there are those shows that say "With a story ripped straight from the headlines!"? Well, this explanation was ripped straight from an email to one of my kiddies.

*sigh* I know, I'm a horrible, horrible person, and, what's worse, a stereotypical chick in this case.

Now I have a belly full of Machaca and I have to respond to a couple emails while hoping the need to sleep will creep back over me.

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