f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
30.08.03 || 62
--3rd Entry Today--

I don't know whether you kiddies know this or not, but when I'm at work, supposedly busy, supposedly doing what I'm being paid for, I spend most of my day doing other things. Making copies of flyers for friends. Updating my diary. Becoming involved in day-long email conversations. Taking quizzes.

What was that? Quizzes? But I never see you post your results here? Why bother taking them?

Well kiddies, I do take them, and I do post my results, I just don't think any of you notice. Not that I mind, after all, I post my results so I can go back and look at them.

So, why bring it up now? Because I just took a quiz that was supposed to tell me what movie I belong in. The result surprised me. Then I looked at all possible results and saw that I could have wound up in a few different Disney movies, or Moulin Rouge, or LOTR, or Pirates. Hell, I wouldn't have been surprised if I wound up in Grease or Bring it On.

When I showed my result to Cosmo, who is deeply involved in her book and seemed slightly annoyed I was bothering her, she responded [without even looking up mind you], "Well, you'd be fucking hard if you were a guy."

I thought about it, and you know what? I would be a kick-ass guy.

So go check out the result that sparked this little epiphany. Go see just how fucking hard I'd be, if I was a guy.

Updated: q u i z - m e.

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