f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
03.09.03 || 9
I was getting ready for work this morning, blasting Flogging Molly, when it hit me.

I really want to be a pirate! Well, not so much be a pirate as hook up with a pirate. And not so much a real pirate, as the romanticized illusion of a pirate. *grin* Shades of Poppy here as I daydream about Johnny Depp.

No, but really, I need to find myself a pirate. Why a pirate? Because, I'm really drawn to that "devil may care" swagger* pirates have. That adventurous spontaneity. Of course, that could also include huge doses of self-centered egoism. Hmm...

Okay, let me modify that again!

I need to find myself a guy who's very much in touch with his inner pirate. Who has that self-confident, slightly arrogant swagger*. That inherent haughtiness that accompanies a rum-soaked master of the seas. Yes. There we go, that's what I need.

*sigh* I always get more romantically day-dreamy towards the fall/winter season. And look at this, one minor clap of thunder the other day and I'm lusting after swaggering* pirate-types. Yum.

In other news...I'm really considering beginning to name these entries. It's hard to keep track what number I'm on, and really hard to find an entry I want to link to when talking about it again. Opinions?

*I just love that word. Swagger. It's kind of like "cocky" in that it implies such a distinct type of masculine attitude. Cocky is good too, but not nearly as pirate-inducing as swagger.

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