f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
19.09.03 || Concerning dirty pirate-wench lust.
Ahoy me kiddies! I still be in prison, but me loyal parrot Schmee brings word that I be expectin' a jailbreak at the usual time this evenin'. I be typin' this while the jailor be busy dallyin' with himself in yon office.

I've been havin' me self a fine time today, causin' a bit of a stir amongst the land lubbers I be forced to work with. A department what calls theyselves Customer Service lodged a complaint against me wild mop o'black hair and me Jolly Roger bandanna. Shiver me timbers kiddies, ye'd think I was dressed for me own hangin', tha way they be talkin'! The jailor come to me cell and dubiously agreed that I've not been breakin' any dress codes. He also be thinkin' that yon scurvy departments should be flogged into mindin' thar own biznis. Arrr! *grin* I told him that if he only giv'me back me cutlass, I'd be more'n 'appy ta run 'em all thru the gullet and festoon the walls with they innards. He was not agreeable to that suggestion.

Ah well me hearties, the rest of my floor was quite amused by me dress and me speech today. I was near keel-hauled fer not lettin' 'em in on me plans. Even the jailor sent out this here email:

-----Original Message-----

From: [Me Jailor ]

Sent: 19 September, 2003 13:47

To: [all me jailmates]

Subject: National talk like a pirate day

For those of you who haven't heard.....today is National talk like a pirate day......

Thanks to [Cosmo] and [frozen-vodka] for sharing this information with us.

Please consider doing something like this as a department in the near future.

Holloween is around the corner, but we don't have to wait all year to do something.

Let me know if anyone has any ideas.


[Yer Jailor]

Aye, the man can't spell "Hallowe'en" but ye can see he's not always a bleedin' bilge rat.

Aside from avoidin' me work and conversin' with the usual kiddies online and makin' plans for this evenin's celebration, I been perusin' Diaryland. I alway's be on the lookout fer new people to read.

Found me a right proud beauty, I did. She's shore to be a nice read, even if her entries do rile me up a bit. I'll confess to ye, me kiddies, after readin' through her diary, I was fightin' those urges. Ye know, those urges to slink off to the ladies and abuse meself in a stall. Aye, THOSE urges

Ah well, I'll be out o' this prison soon enough. First thing on me agenda? RUM!! Aye...a break from me usual libation. Ye know me kiddies, I'll not be able to resist the sweet burn o'the Russian fire, but I'll be doin' me best to stick to the rum. The next thing on me agenda? Ah, well, I'll be needin ta find a way to relieve this bit o' pent up tension, if ye get me meanin', and I think ye do. Maybe after I'm proper besotted and after I done finished abusin meself this evenin', I'll hop online and update ye on the rest o'me evenin's activities.

Arr...I best be off now me kiddies. I need to send word to a few mates and finish up this here work afor it's time to go.

Me favorite part o'this entire day? Answerin' me littl' pink phone. I been surprisin' everyone, what with talkin' like a pirate all bleedin' day.


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