f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
20.09.03 || Concerning the worst kind of wake-up call.
You know kiddies, there really is no feeling like being woken from a night of drunken debauchery and multiple orgasms and a couple hours sleep, by a phone call telling you that your dad's been in the hospital for a week and a half and told everyone connected with him NOT to tell you, for fear of worrying you.

Oh, it gets better.

Because right after you're woken by that phone call, you are further informed that your father who's old enough almost start collecting social security and has been being worked like a 20 year old at the construction site where he's employed, lost his job because of his "excessive time off".

And it's just the icing on the cake when you hear that he's got pneumonia and [here's the best fucking part] his legs are numb and they CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY, but sent him home all the same because his crappy insurance doesn't cover it.

But the bestest best part of all is finding out that the only person you can always count on for moral and/or emotional support doesn't feel like being there for you right then.

Yeah. Good Morning to you too kiddies.

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