f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
22.09.03 || Concerning my grasp of yarn arts.
So I finally figured out the whole knitting thing. When I was a kid and wanted to learn how to knit, I asked my mom. She didn't know how, and told me my grandma didn't know how to either. So when Cosmo couldn't figure out how to do part of it, I asked my sister, who had made a pathetic attempt at knitting, but managed to at least do more than one row. She explained it, but she might have just as been speaking Swahili. So I asked her if grandma knew how. She told me no, she didn't think so.

So after research and more research and no luck, I dragged my knitting needles and ball of yarn out to the front room, collapsed dramatically on the couch, and pathetically whined, "Gramma, do you know ANYTHING AT ALL about knitting? Because I suck."

She smiled and said, "Well, I used to."

I brightened a little bit and asked if she knew how to connect the rows. She said she thought she might, took the needled from my hands, and in a matter of seconds had a 3 rows hanging from a needle. Then she showed me how to make the switch, a faster way to put the first row of stitched on the first needle, and the different between a knit and perl stitch.

Well, don't I just look stupid?

That's what I get for listening to the two most vacant and least trustworthy people in my family.

So tonight, after I work on a take home course for work, I'll be curled up in my bed shooing Maharet away from my ball of yarn. Yay me.

Updated: 2 pictures in each of the public albums linked to from my galleria.

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