f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
23.09.03 || Concerning people hacking into my brain.
Is it just me, or do any of you kiddies out there have moments when it seems like the person you're talking too is either inside your head, or spying on you?

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but for the past week, this has been happening to me a lot.

I'm sitting in my cube, harassing an insurance company for benefits and I'm listening to Justin Timberlake. Shut it, my guilty pleasures are not the point of this entry. I particularly enjoy the end of the first track and will occasionally repeat the first track a few times, just to groove to the end. I'm not an idiot; I listen to most of my music on my headphones. I only listen to the scary sounding shit without them. I have an image to maintain in this office after all.

So I'm grooving to Justin and Cosmo calls me up to relate a funny story about the part I had just repeated 3 times. I couldn't help but look around to see if she'd been watching me, and then I checked to make sure my headphones were plugged in. When I told her what just happened, she thought it was weird too. The thing is, I'm used to it from Cosmo.

I'm not used to this happening with people I don't actually know. Take, for example, a kiddie I've been exchanging emails with for about a month. I keep a real life poetry journal. Only some of what I write winds up posted. And not everything in this journal is mine. I also jot down lyrics, quotes, whatever happens to strike me and possibly inspire me. Well, one night, I was reading some Poe and a line I'd read hundreds of times hit me. So I grab my journal and write it down. Two days later, I get an email from this kiddie. We've gotten into the habit of putting quotes, song lyrics, and various things as the subject of our emails back and forth. Nothing I had emailed him, nothing I had used as a subject had been related to my journal or to Poe even. Yet here was the same quote I had just written in my journal as his subject.

And then yesterday, it happened again with this same kiddie. He mentioned something in his journal that I had just been in an extended conversation with my sister about. It was something random, yet the subject was very specific.

Makes a person wonder. Wonder if she's being spied on by the government to see where she's hidden the secret formula that is!

Just joking, but still...strange, yeah?

In other news, our computer system just went down. From what I hear it'll be for the next hour, which by company time, means we'll be lucky if we get back in for the rest of the day. But my internet works, and that's the important thing, right?

In still other news, my MyWay fortune for today is:

Someone thinks you are very special and let's you know it.

I can believe that, especially after the deluge of email love I've been getting from 3 specific kiddies as of late. You know who you are. If you think you�re one of the 3, you probably are. You 3 are all freaks and you know it. I still love you though.

*yawn* I need a new body pillow. I haven't been sleeping well. I had an interesting dream about a really rough English bartender. Go figure. He was a hottie though. Cockney accent. Kind of Jason Statham-ish, but a little older and rougher looking. Rawr!

Happy Me�n F�mhair to any celebrating Pagans out there.

Ooh, lookie there, it's lunchtime.

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