f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
28.09.03 || Concerning my drinking habits and their effects on me.
I have recently discovered a very distinct difference in how I am affected by different types of alcohol. I'm not talking about the level of "hangover" or anything like that; I'm talking how it affects my sexual cravings.

Hard Liquor

My usual beverage of choice falls into this category. This actually causes two different reactions, depending on the amount I've consumed. If it's a good heavy buzz, I'm horny as hell. I want sex in any way, shape, or form. I'm in a very giving, but very receiving mood. If I'm drunk, that all changes. I don't give a shit about the other person, I want orgasms and I want them now. There's no "giving" in this state.


Regardless of the amount I've consumed, this causes one reaction: I desperately want to suck cock. A good solid beer buzz and I could get comfortable between a guys legs for DAYS, or until one of us passes out.


The only thing I want if I've consumed too much wine is to kiss. Maybe a little very light petting, but an hour or so of deep, passionate kissing is all I need.


Champagne hits me really quick, and if I've had enough to acquire a buzz, or more, then I'm up for anything. Physical contact is a must, but I'm pretty much agreeable to whatever the other person's got in mind.

That's all I was able to analyze last night. Of course, things change drastically if I'm mixing types, but for the most part, if I stick to one of those four, that's the reaction one can pretty much count on.

Last night, I was rockin' the Guinness and some Newcastle Brown, and my desire to give into my extreme oral fixation went sadly unsatisfied. *sigh*

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