f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
27.09.03 || Concerning a faery tale.
Once upon a time there was a family of chickens. They went about their chicken lives, doing chicken things. One summer afternoon, a chick was hatched into this chicken family. They cackled and squawked and gleefully doted over her. As she grew up, she started to realize that she was different. She wasn't quite a chicken, but she didn't know what she was. She hid this fact from her chicken family because she didn't understand it herself, and she wasn't really one to "rock the boat".

The years rolled by and it became obvious that she wasn't a chicken. Her chicken family made it clear that while they loved her, any non-chicken behavior was not acceptable. So she suppressed it and hid it and ignored it, going about her chicken life.

One day she realized that she had to act like a chicken to earn the love and affection of her chicken family. It was not freely given. That hurt her, but she loved her chicken family, so she went on with the charade. And her chicken family continued to accept her, just so long as she acted like a good little chicken.

Time went by and when she was 24 years old, she looked at her chicken family and she looked at herself and she realized that no matter what she did, she would never be a chicken. She realized she had spent her entire life desperately trying to belong to her chicken family, and she knew that she never, ever would. They knew she wasn't a chicken and their love and affection was purely contingent on how well she could act like one. And she was sad, but she knew that eventually, she would find other non-chickens like her, and she would build up her own little "family" that would know her and love her for what she was.

The end. [?]

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