f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
30.09.03 || Concerning Tom Quinn of MI5.
I think one of the reasons I love Matthew Macfadyen's character in MI5 is just how damn...professional he is. Ye gods, I can't think of any television character that I would rather trust my life to.

Did you see tonight's MI5? Crappy hell! I love Tom Quinn. He's gorgeous, he's intelligent, he's clever and has a sense of humor at the right times, and if there was a horrible crisis, I would most definitely feel safe with him around. Sure, he inadvertantly brought a bomb home from an IRA terrorist one time and almost got his girlfriend and her daughter blown up, but he was really upset about that!

*sigh* Matthew Macfadyen, you're my fucking hero.

In other news, I just wrapped up one of my books for shipment to a kiddie. I'll let you know how that goes.

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