f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
03.10.03 || Concerning random thoughts from an exhausted and frozen brain at 6:54 on a Friday night.
Well kiddies, 45 minutes before yours truly clocks out and turns off for 2 whole days. I think I'm going to ban myself from the internet this weekend. Then maybe, on Monday morning when I log on, my inbox will be full of lovely notes and comments and emails and I'll be all refreshed and perky. Probably not, but it was fun to say, right?

I need to plug my phone in when I get home. Someone remind me to do that, okay?

In other news, I finally have my review of Dog Soldiers up in my Horror Log, which can now be found under the link named "scare me" over there to the right. It's about time too, it's only been two weeks since I saw it. I need to go back and beef out some of my reviews...they're getting a little...stingy. Anyways, I'll be adding some more to it after I see From Hell and a double feature disc of something. I forget the titles.

So...how have you kiddies been? I've got a busy weekend ahead of me. Tomorrow I have to take Mr. Man [AKA Dralion] to the vet for his yearly check-up. Then I have to get to the post office to post my promised books to some kiddies. Then Cosmo and I are going to take her little sister out to lunch to try to cheer her up about not being able to get a job yet, after which we're helping her beef up her resume and find places to apply.

Sunday...don't have anything planned for Sunday yet. Probably catch up on housework. Maybe finally find my replacement body pillow [who does have a name already].

Today I was in a good mood. I woke up and it was very cold in the bedroom, which I always like, until I have to get out of my cocoon of duvet-warmth. Then we went to get in the car and it was actually overcast. Oh, how my spirit soared, thinking it might possibly drizzle just a little bit. And to top it all off, Jamba Juice has brought back my all time favorite Jamba, the Pumpkin Smash.

My mood hasn't really dropped too much, just the teensiest bit. The longer I'm here, the more tired I feel. My only goal for this weekend is to get some much needed sleep.

I most definitely need a body pillow. This is the time of year that I really crave something to curl up with. Aside from being old and lumpy, my cats have desecrated John the Body Pillow. There's really no point in trying to get cat pee out of a 3 year old pillow.

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