f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
16.10.03 || Concerning my adorable wubbies.
This is my male cat, Dralion, helping himself to the dregs of my breakfast milk.

Awww! Is there really any doubt that my cats are completely spoiled? What you may not realize is the situation this represents. He loves to reach into things and either dip his paw into it or grab a bit of it and shove it into his yap. That why his little kitty tongue is hanging out. He does this with everything, including a glass of vodka one time. He doesn't bother smelling the stuff, or his paw, he just reached in and stuffs it in his mouth.

At least it's just little bits. Not like his siter Mekare who snatches the whole thing up in her mouth and worries about what it is after she's chewing it up. Yeah...she wasn't a happy pussy when she snatched up a bit of wasabi...anyways...I just got this picture framed for my cube at work, and thought I'd share.

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