f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
16.10.03 || Concerning...nothing in particular...except post-bleed lust.

It's one of those days. Spent the night drinking shots of Stoli because my friends were fresh out of Fin. Went to bed fairly early, slept well. Very well. So well in fact, that I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. But I did. And now I wish I were back in bed.

My uterus is just about done expelling it's monthly blood, meaning the gut-wrenching, mind wobbling cramps will soon leave me, as will the monthly nausea, migraines, and back aches. I swear, hearing people talk about symptoms of pregnancy, my bleeds of late are making me wonder if I'd even fucking notice...

In better news...with the bleed on it's way out, my hormones are beginning to level off, which means I'm back to my normal stage of horniness and backing away from the "desperate need to grind my blood-soaked crotch against anything that might give me the slightest stimulation" stage. Actually, that stage is only in my first couple bleeding days. Still...a bit of a relief to know that I'm back to tolerable levels of general lust.

In other news, my hair's back to bleach blond again. I'm going to have Cosmo do something interesting with the little bit of Pretty Flamingo we have left. I'll take a piccy of the top of my head sometime this weekend so you kiddies can see. I also need to take a pic of my newly distended lobed.

So, speaking of body mods, one of you kiddies sent me a tasty picture of yourself flashing your nipple piercings. Could you send it again? Pretty please? Because I was a dork and deleted your email, and since I don't talk to you over email, I can't even reply to you. So...

I'm wearing these lowrider panties that barely come up to the top of my ass crack. And for some reason, it's reminded me of the fact that it's been a good month or so since I've worn anything interesting under my clothes to work. I think tomorrow may be high time for my garter belt, maybe some fishnets, and even possibly *gasp* a corset. *wink*

Ya know, if I'm going to wear that get-up to work, I'll be in a mischievous mood all day...

*yawn* I'm sleepy.

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