f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
10.11.03 || Concerning my weekend, the Femmes, and the Matrix.
How in the hell can you listen to the Femmes and not fucking sing along? But at work, I have to just mouth the words. Makes for an interesting show, I'm sure, when someone glances into my cube when Blister in the Sun or American Music comes on.

Finally bought the Superbit Labyrinth DVD last night. Fuck yeah kiddies! Really, I had a crush on Jareth since I was a little kid. I think I was in 4th grade when I first saw it. Cosmo and I have been going to the Jareth Ball for the past 2 years. That's fun as hell. Watching it last night was the first time in over 5 years, and I still had every word memorized! Nothing? Nothing?! Nothing, tra-la-la!! And of course, the end, when Jareth is proclaiming his love for the bitch. Fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave. Seriously...I hate her so much for that one role. I couldn't even take her seriously in A Beautiful Mind. All I kept thinking was, "You stupid bitch, you turned down JARETH!!!" Ah well, I'm a freak.

I got a lot of sleep this weekend. A LOT. I probably slept about 30 hours, give or take. When I wasn't curled up under my duvet having bizarre snippets of dream, I managed to see Revolutions. I'm not sure about it. Of course you all know how much I loathed Reloaded. Suicide would be the only option if I had to sit through that again. Painful suicide. None of the easy shit. Maybe dousing myself in gasoline and lighting myself on fire would be painful enough. Anyways...so about Revolutions. I don't know if Reloaded had lowered my expectations so dramatically that it just didn't take much for me to be impressed, or if it was actually good. Okay...I don't want to piss anyone off, so any sudden gaps in the following sentences are spoilers. If you highlight the shit, don't get mad at my ass for ruining your viewing pleasure. You've been warned.

All in all, despite the confusion as to why, I came away with the feeling that I'd enjoyed myself. The fetish club was interesting, and I'm totally hot for Serif. In general, it was a little bit slower than I'd have really liked, but the action was good. I was so disgusted by the end of Reloaded, that I forgot exactly how it ended, so I'm totally lost as to how Agent Smith got into the real world through one of the crew members. Of course, just by the way he was talking, I knew he was somehow possessed. There weren't as many parts I considered totally useless. Some that were a bit confusing. The fight after Neo's blinded smacked of "the force" and I began to see a lot of the general concept of Star Wars displayed in subtle ways throughout. Trinity's death scene was WAAAAAAY too fucking long. Get it over with and die already. *sigh* Maybe I'm just heartless, but there are only so many cheesy ass lines a girl can take. The ending was predictable already, and the foreshadowing made it more so. I mean, who here DIDN'T know that Neo would have to die at the end of it all. The One can't save the world, all humanity, and bring peace to earth and still bop around trying to live normally. BTW, the fight scene that had to have cost about half the budget of the movie was so non-impressive. I like my fighting real. Not all the flying through the air, videogame-esque super punches. Still...all of that aside, I did enjoy myself, and we're taking Cosmo's dad to see it again.

In other news...I need to get some work done. I'm not slammed and I feel like I can take a breath. Much relief. I'll prolly update again later.

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