f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
11.11.03 || Concerning phasing out the boss.
-----Original Message-----
From: [DH:kgda]
Sent: 11 November, 2003 17:07
To: [my team in the department]
Cc: [more random people]
Subject: [New Girl #1, #2, and #3]

[New Girl #1] will be helping the [First Namelesss Hospital] team to create visits on Wed, Th, Fri.

[New Girl #2] will continue to assist [Current Team Member], while she is training [New Girl #3].

Sounds like [Second Nameless Hospital] has made great progress in phase I.....creation of accounts.

We will be helping [First Namelesss Hospital] to do the same before we implement phase II.....verifying auths, demos, eligibility.

Thanks to all of you for your help and cooperation. Keep up the great work.

-----Original Message-----
From: [frozen-vodka]
Sent: Dienstag, 11. November 2003 17:09
To: [The Department Underground]
Subject: FW: [New Girl #1, #2, and #3]

And then phase III will commence and I will replace you all with freakin' sharks with freakin' laser beams on their foreheads.

And then I, and I alone, will RULE THE WORLD!!

[insert maniacal laughter]

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