f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
11.11.03 || Concerning Adult Swim and reasons for anarchy.
Oh glee! Oh sweet, rapturous joy! They've fixed the Adult Swim schedule again!! I don't think I've been this happy since I discovered orgasms can come in multiples.

Now here's a schedule I can live happily with till I'm old and gray.

On a more sober note, I know awhile back that I promised I'd refrain from talking about politics here, but in the end, it's my diary. Anyways...read this. And then read this. No, I don't get all my news from Truthout, those were just a couple articles that struck me. I don't trust this president. And I don't trust a public that elected him. I think things have gone far enough, and there's really nothing we can do about it. Oh, there's a swelling underground of people who know this, who are neither republican or democrat. I'm not the only one who becomes physically ill at the thought of the state of this country, but it will take time for that underground to come into power. I see the generation before me that tried to fight the status quo...the hippies and love children now have mortgages and Lincoln Navigators in the driveway and debate the top republican candidates over glasses of Merlot.

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