f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
11.11.03 || Concerning going blind at the office and being a greedy bitch.
You know that staring at the sun is bad for you, right? Because it's all bright and shit and can burn your retinas and then you'll be blind. And even if it doesn't LOOK bright, it's still evil. It can still give you skin cancer and make you blind if you stare at it. So...we all know this, right?

Now, have you ever stared at a lightbulb? And when you look away, you can still see that phantom lightbulb? So...here's my question:

How long do you have to stare at a lightbulb before it burns out your retinas like the sun will?




These are the things I ponder while on hold for more than 20 minutes. You know what else I think about? I think about a lot of things. Like pasty, gangly, floppy haired boys. And how I am liking pink more and more these days. And what it would be like to have a penguin as a pet. And candy. And video games. And lines from RAGAD. And Coldplay lyrics. And recipes for things I'd like to make. And comic books. And how much I'd like it to rain. And how nice Munich is in the winter time.

Did I mention I'm flying my little sister down this weekend for my cousin's wedding? I am. It's costing me $282.81 to bring her down Saturday morning for the wedding at 2pm and fly her home Sunday night so she can be to work on Monday with a decent night's sleep. Because I'm just that fucking cool.

One of my kiddies called me generous the other day. Because she read about my little holiday gifting thing. I don't really think of myself as generous. I like to do nice things for people. It makes me happy. So by flying my sister down for little more than 24 hours makes her happy, and my cousin happy, and generally my whole family happy, that makes me happy. So I'm pretty much doing it to make me happy. You see how this is going? I don't do nice things for people because it's NICE, I do it to make myself happy. Really, I'm just evil. Ask him.

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