f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
17.11.03 || Concerning the appreciation my sister shows.
The following is a conversation between myself and my little sister via text messaging back and forth over the course of 10 minutes.

[frozen-vodka] Hey,just checking N.Hope UR trip back went OK.Call me.

[Leprecaun*] im home.trip sukd.

[f-v] Did every/ing go OK?

[L] no.next time get me a flight w/o a layover cuz its not wor/ it.

[f-v] Scuze me?

[L] it was a nice gesture but /e layover sucked.plane was delayed.didnt get home till late.

[f-v] But it was wor/ it 4 coming 2 /e wedding,yeah?

[L] i guess.just get me a nonstop flight next time tho.

[f-v] Dude /@s fucked up. [Cosmo] & I brought U down w/ R $$.Sorry /e flight back sukd.Ill keep th@ N mind if I ever /ink about flying U down again.

[L] cool.no more layovers.

[f-v] Try no more flights home on UR sisters dime cuz U dont appreciate /e shit she does 4 U.

[L] dont get bitchy on me now.i cant handle UR attitude.im tired from my flight back.

[f-v] wh@ever. U can fly UR own ass home next time kid.


At which point I tossed my phone in my purse in disgust.

Here's the thing. I enjoy doing nice things for people. I really do. Damn, if you've been reading me for any length of time, you'd have figured that out by now, yes? Really, the look on my cousin's face when he saw my little sister was more than thanks enough. That's the reason I did it. The plane ticket itself didn't put me out. I mean honestly, I make more than enough to afford the occassional impulse like that. The money means nothing, it really doesn't. I've spent more than the cost of her plane ticket on drinks before. What pisses me off is how she not only didn't show any appreciation, but then CRITICIZED it. *sigh* Ah well...this weekend sucked in general because of the wedding and made it even more clear how much I need to get the hell out of San Diego. I hate family gatherings. Why? That's another story for another day kiddies.

*Leprecaun's been her nickname for awhile. Got it from her "pocket-size" and a shirt she used to wear from "Leprecaun Foods".

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