f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
19.11.03 || Concerning a love letter to my diary.
I've been a bit...lame when it comes to entries, haven't I? I'm sorry kiddies. When I started this diary, I really didn't expect to become devoted to it. I thought it would be for random entries that I didn't feel comfortable putting in what I then considered my "real" diary.

It wasn't long before I enjoyed my anonymity and freedom to talk about whatever I wanted to so much that I'd all but abandoned my previous diary.

Then, I began to love this diary. I loved everything about it. Even down to my boring, boxy layout. When I started acquiring kiddies, it was thrilling. Knowing people were out there, reading what I thought...very cool.

Now, I have much less anonymity with a few kiddies. Some of you know my name. Some of you know my face. Some of you have my cell phone number, and one of you even has my home phone number.

I've connected to a lot of you kiddies, even the ones I only occasionally exchange notes with. So, while I never intended this diary to become a regular addition to my life...it has.

So, I honestly feel really crappy when I don't update. My day really doesn't go right. I wind up feeling like I'm missing something. Sometimes I run out of time and don't get around to it. Sometimes I get distracted...by work, by play, by whatever. Sometimes I feel like I don't need to update, like I don't have anything to say, but that's a lie. I always have something to say. *grin*

Alright...that's enough of this sappy shit. I need to do some work, then I'll have something to actually talk about.

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