f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
12.12.03 || Concerning violence....and lust.
I can't be the only one joy-gasming over the prospect of Manhunt. Oh my god, that game shows so much potential. I'm not even done with GTA:VC, and I've already spent the money on buying a new game next Friday. I mean, it's already fucking banned in New Zealand. *drool* The mindless, obscene violence is irresistable. Why do you think I love splatter films so much? The horror, the gore, the panic and terror. Bring it on baby! I hope this game gives me fucking nightmares!

*sigh* A girl can dream...

Which brings up an interesting train of thought...is my love of horror and violence tied to my "liking it rough", so to say? I doubt that I like all things horror because I lean to the extreme side in what I find sexually appealing, or vice versa, but I'm sure it's coming from the same source of inner darkness.

Just like I'm sure my attraction to older, more dominate guys is somehow due to my lack of a solid father figure growing up. That's just how these things go. There are, however, girls who like more dominate guys, but don't get off on anything rough, so it doesn't always go hand in hand. So I'm thinking that this enjoyment of what I'll call "erotic pain" and my enjoyment of the horror genre are somehow linked.

So then...where does this come from? What is the source of this inner darkness? Why do I find violence and terror so exhilerating? What is it about that loss of control, that rush of adrenaline triggered by that kernel of fear? When was it that pain became pleasurable?

Don't read too much into this, frozen-vodka has her limits, they're just a bit...hazier of a line...a little more vague than the average girlie, or so I've discovered. There is, however, such a thing as too much.

Wow...I totally got off the topic, didn't I? Woo!! Manhunt!

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