f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
04 December 2005 || Concerning an update.
News? You want news? Hoover Dam, you people are demanding!

Alrighty, here's what's going on in my life. I've bolded the headings to make for easy reading. That way, in case you don't want to read about a particular section, you can breeze by it.

Generally speaking, I'm healthy. I am still mightily fighting the flu. At least I think it's the flu. My doctor said it was bordering bronchitis, which figures. Ever since the whole family was hit with a huge bronchial infection when I was wee, my lungs have always been easily taken ill. I've held the cough off, but I can feel the mucus buiding. I can occassionally feel the catch in my chest when I inhale that is a sure sign of the nastiness to come. Hopefully I am able to continue holding it at bay until it gets tired of lurking and wanders off. That's how it goes, isn't it? Right?

My grandma's still recovering from her surgery. She gets tired more easily, but she's still spry. Both she and my grandpa have managed to stay well. No colds, flu, etc. Go them! My cousin [Chef] got hit with a really bad bout of it. Of course, he's a work-a-holic, and didn't take any time off. His boss sent him home a couple days, but he recovered quickly. Chef's wife [Bex] fought it off till after Thanksgiving and then went down hard. She's still got the lingering cough, but that'll fade. My mom has pink-eye or soemthing. I don't know, but it's nasty. I've been avoiding her like the plague. My other cousins [The Breeders]...well, we're not as close as we used to be, so I don't know. My uncle's fine. Not a sign of the ick. My sister [The Leprecaun] has stayed free of sickness, and is still recovering from her broken leg. She still can't put any weight on it at all. When she's leaning on her walker or her crutches, she's allowed to rest her toe on the ground, basically to rest her muscles. She has an appointment this Friday where she'll hopefully find out what she can and can't do. She know's she won't be able to walk on it, but she's hoping she'll be able to put some pressure on it. Be a little more active with it. She wants to be more active so bad. She's tired of the wheelchair and the walker. We'll see Friday.

Ocifer has suffered the guillotine of my personal revolution. You see kiddies, this past year taught me many things. It taught me that I have only myself to rely on. It taught me that as dysfunctional and judgemental as my family can be, they are my blood, and blood is indeed thicker than water. Because in spite of how badly I treated them all and how ill-mannered and self-centered I have been in regards to them for about the past 8 years, they have continued to stand by me and help me through the rough spots. Of course they judge me. They've known me forever, they know what I'm capable of. They know that I can always do better for myself than I think I can. So they judge. And they push. And they dust me off after I've picked myself up off the ground. Sure, it sucks sometimes, but what doesn't. And my friends? Where are they? My bestest of best friends [Cosmo] isn't really a part of my life any more. That's mostly my choice because the last few times we did hang out, it was just awkward. We talk via email, but if she does become a regular player in my life, it won't be for a long while yet. I've still got a lot of time to make up for. And my other best friends? *shakes her head sadly* I cut two of them loose [PurDee and SuperBoi, two that I may have mentioned here by other nicknames, but have had countless dealings with in RL]. I haven't spoken or written a word to them since early October. They were nothing I wanted any part of. My other two {Poppet and Braveheart Lion]? We're drifting apart. Slowly but surely. We have our own lives, and you know what they say, the whole out of sight, out of mind thing? That seems to be happening. Letters go unanswered. Texts are few and far between. Phone calls are a luxury that we seem barely able to afford. It doesn't seem to matter how much I love them or they me, the gap widens. I can't say that it's not partially due to myself either. I've been cutting friends loose left and right. Since I've begun to hold myself to such a higher standard than I ever did, I have to surround myself with people of the same caliber. Not to say that the losses my circle has suffered has been due entirely to ethical differences, such as with PurDee and SuperBoi. In some cases it's that I can't just keep throwing my attentions and affections after people that aren't able to return them the way I need them returned. I spent too many years doing that, and losing myself in the process.

Not only good friends have suffered the axe, but acquaintences and romantic interests as well. For example, Ocifer. Call me fickle if you must, but this whole Portland fiasco has somehow made me even more picky with what guys I will share any part of myself with. I've decided that what I want out of life can be achieved on my own. Having a guy to share my forever with is just the frosting on the satisfying cake.

Now, Ocifer got shot, and that's traumatizing and all, but the bottom line is that whatever happened, in my mind, could never have been more stressful than my grandma's situation coupled with my Leprecaun's situation. Whether it was out of jealosy or just feeling sorry for himself, he tried to liken his level of need to that of my family members. I felt inclined to inform him that he simply was not, nor would ever be, that important to me. Thus, the great love affair that was frozen-vodka and Ocifer ended.

Friends? Yes, I have many. I have a few here online that are more dear to me than many of the people I socialize with in RL. *inclines her head in acknowledgment of CoolWatyr, imortlnoctrn, and Cloudscapes* I work with a great group of people at both jobs that I'm holding down. Just because I've revolted against the prior aritocracy of my social circle does not mean I'm spending nights home alone. No, this girly-girl is busier than ever in that area. It's just not on as deep a level that I would consider calling too many people GOOD friends.

Romantic Interest
Yes, there is one. Ocifer was dumped, and I went on a couple casual dates with a couple casual guys, one of whom has decided to prove to me that he can buils a PC that's better than any Mac. I'm letting him prove this. Gladly. Remember Sk8rBoi? He's sort of back in the picture. Lurking in the shadows. I don't know if it's over completely between us. I'm spending the new year in Munich with him. That's a story for another section though. And one of my friends from childhood has reappered in my life. In fact, I'm at his house now. He's got a nice fire going in his hearth, and he's currently polishing off a plate of the cookies I baked today. I came over to bring Christmas to his house and he's escorting me and my grandmother to a church Christmas program. He's cleaning up his act and decided to fly straight, so I shall nick him "NewLeaf". Romantically, I'm set. Plus, I've got all they typical crushes on various male friends that one would expect. Would I ever act on them? No. I'm sure they're more affection than anything. I tend to crush on all my male friends for about a second or sometimes two, then I just feel all motherly towards them.

The wubs are, as always, spoiled and adored. They sleep with me every night I'm home, and NewLeaf's house has become a second home. I started bringing them over before he went on his surf trip, so they're familiar with it. Also, just in case you felt the need to know: One sure fire way into my heart [if not my bed *guilty smirk*] is to love my Dubbins. He surprised them [and me] with a cat tree in the corner of the office and an automated litter box in his hall closet. And even though I had brought food with me, when we went shopping for cookie ingredients and decorations, he tossed a case of wet food and bag of dry food in the cart. He's totally the Brad to my Maddoxes. [An extra batch of cookies this year, THAT WILL ACTUALLY MAKE IT IN TO THE POST THIS TIME, to the first 2 people that send me a picture of whatever it is I just referenced up there.] Health wise, the dubs are awesome. I heart them so!

I have finals in a couple weeks. I currently have the second highest grade in my class and I'm not too worried about my final. I'm stressed, sure, but not worried. There's a difference. Also, I've been talking to various people, the Dean of Students being one, and I think I've narrowed down my field of study. And I don't think I'll be wasting my time on Cosmetology. I think I have a different calling. Notice I didn't say "higher" calling. Yeah, I love my stylist and my mani/pedi chick. I couldn't live without them, really. Pampered much? Indeed! But seriously, they work hard, and I appreciated anyone who performs good service. I just think that my place in this world is not in that field. I'm working towards something more academic.

I currently have one full time job at the college I'm attending. I still have a part time job at a salon. I'm still just working reception, but I'm happy with it. I'm also pumping out a steady stream of product that I'm looking to eventually sell under the name Impossible Tart, a nickname originally given to me by a certain boy that I not only consider accurate, but am proud to live up to. So, that counts as like, 2 full time jobs. I've also been helping out at a friend's deli. I did figures last night, and while I'm working harder, I'm making more than I was at Scripps, and it's more rewarding. I'm bringing home close to 3k a month. At this rate, I will hopefully be able to pay off my credit issues that Cosmo and I always just pushed aside to take care of hers. My car still has 4 more years of payments, but I've been paying my own way, even giving my grandma about $300 in rent. Once I pay off my credit, that will be about $1k freed up per month. I should be able to move in to my own place in about a year or so. A long time, sure, but I could afford to move out with roommates before this. The only thing about that? If this year has done nothing else to me, it has made me loathe to be in a position of losing what is mine ever again. I was talking to my mom about it, and frankly, I would prefer to do for myself and acquire what I need and want on my own. That way, I will never stand to lose it, like I lost so much these past years. I don't feel like I want to depend on anybody to help support me. She was shocked, and said that I had to want to share some things with say, my eventual husband. No, actually. I want to share myself, but any giddy, girlish thoughts of "forever and always" were popped like so many soap bubbles this year. Now, I'm staunchly pre-nup. Yes, I'd like to build my life with someone, but I want the foundation to be mine. I will never have a joint bank account with someone again. I will never depend on someone else to support my lifestyle. Sure, there are no absolutes in life, and I'm sure these sound like drastic measures, but emotionally, losing everything like I did was too much. I couldn't handle it again, and I won't do it. Ever.

So there! *raspberry*

Anyhoo....I think I've covered most of everything.

Oh, yeah, holiday cards will be going out this weekend. Baked goods will be going out the next week, probably Monday or Tuesday. Actual pressies, prolly the same time. We'll see. There are 3 of you kiddies getting something from me, so check your mail next week.

Now I have to get dressed and convince the boy he needs a tie.

Holiday kisses to you all!

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