f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
07 September 2004 || Concerning last night.
Mon Lion and I talked last night.


About us. Well...more like he asked me how I was feeling about us, about him.

Don't worry kiddies, I don't want my inbox flooded with concerned and frantic pleas as to whether or not he went and broke my heart.

It wasn't that kind of serious talk.

Quite the opposite really.

I'm not going to go into details, because I don't think I need to, and that's not the point of my entry...

The point of my entry is the fact that he made me blush last night.

Actually blush.

Do you know how fucking long it's been since a guy has made me blush? Sk8er Boi never even made me blush. The last guy to make me blush was Rodeo.

We're not talking the kind of blush you get when someone's talking dirty, or somehow embarrasses you. No, this was a different kind of blush. A more...innocent...kind of blush.


It's....thrilling, really.

This feeling of constant twitterpation.

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