f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
11 January 2006 || A Song
Have I ever mentioned how awesome my friends are? Online and off, they are actually awesome. Most of the time. *chuckles*

So yeah, apparently, my last entry was a real bombshell to a few people. I spent 3 hours on the phone last night with one of my friends that I have long admired for her ability to walk in to a room and just take command, so magnetic is her personality. Apparently, she's so freaked out in social situations that she forces it. So we talked, and compared situations, and it was really quite shocking, and quite a relief actually. So were all the comments from you kiddies. Funny, how that goes.

And the fight with NewLeaf? Ended as expected. He came back, brought me a book of poetry, we watched the news and fell asleep.

So yeah, no real update here, just wanted to thank you guys, for being there really. All you little flickers out in cyberspace mean more to me that you know.

FYI: All holiday packages have been delayed due to low funds, so...erm....dunno what to call them. I'm just going to quit stressing about getting them all out on time and focus on putting together one massive care package for each of you once a year. When you get it, anybody's guess. But isn't that part of the fun? The unexpected surprise?

I'll make a post here when I send out yours, so keep an eye out for it.

Absent from thee I languish still;
Then ask me not, when I return?
The straying fool 'twill plainly kill
To wish all day, all night to mourn.

Dear! from thine arms then let me fly,
That my fantastic mind may prove
The torments it deserves to try
That tears my fixed heart from my love.

When, wearied with a world of woe,
To thy safe bosom I retire
where love and peace and truth does flow,
May I contented there expire,

Lest, once more wandering from that heaven,
I fall on some base heart unblest,
Faithless to thee, false, unforgiven,
And lose my everlasting rest.

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