f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
14 August 2005 || "PAULA ZAHN NOW" is next -- Paula?
I've been watching a lot of news lately. What's that about? And not just, the 'rents have the news on, and I'm in the room, so I watch it. No. News SHOWS.

I tune in, usually late at night, and watch news shows. It started with Anderson Cooper 360*, mainly because his eyes make me all swoony.

Then it moved on. The days when I'd be getting dressed, doing my hair and make up while MTV or VHI blared early in the morning are over. Now it's MSNBC or CNN. Hell, I'll even watch the Bloomberg report before the music channels. Is this what growing up is?

Because I'm still a goofball. I squeal over things like penguins and Harry Potter. I've been scouting second hand stores for discarded cartoon emblazoned comforters in the hopes of creating a king-size duvet cover collage of all my favorites. [Thus far, I've got Scooby Doo and an ancient A-Team pillowcase].

I still do the "young adult" thing and party. I go out drinking. I have casual sex. And I have smoked more weed in these few months back in SanD than I have in the rest of my life.

So I ask you....is this the first step? And if so, can I turn back now, or is it too late?

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