f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
14 May 2004 || Concerning my craptacular week.
My week has sucked.

By "sucked"...I'm thinking along the lines of...


...being ass raped by a leprous elephant?

Yeah. That is a fitting analogy.

Here are the things that have gone horribly wrong with my week, in no particular order [and since I can't check my diary after posting this, the following code may or may not be fucked up, but I really don't want to hear about it, yeah?] :

  • The post office put my mail on vacation hold, which may explain why I haven't been getting any mail for the past month.
  • My cell phone crapped out on me, refusing to give me any messages and only ringing when it felt like it.
  • I just got wind that my wanna-be Navy Seal, stalker, ex-boyfriend is in town. Woo. Let's hope he's not still obsessed, because last time he was in town, he shadowed me everywhere I went, left "love notes" on my car [by love notes, I mean detailed descriptions of sexual acts that he wanted to do with/to me when he was able to finally catch me alone], and sent me bizarre gifts. Notice to all the amorous gentlemen out there: It is a very rare girly who will be won over by boxes of chocolate that you have ejaculated over. FYI: I am not that type of rare girly.
  • I had to rescue an old friend from an abusive husband Wednesday night. Good news, she's safe. Bad news, I'm a bit banged up...paramedics thought my wrist might be fractured, but it's not. I've got a big purple handprint on the side of my neck from where he grabbed me, a tender spot on the back of my head from where he tried to hold me by the hair [thank the gods I have short hair], and my back is sore from when he shoved me off of him and I hit the corner of an entertainment center. She's worse off than I am, as he was actually beating her and just trying to subdue me. More good news? She's pressing charges and filing for divorce while hiding out with her sister.
  • Mon Lion's birthday is tomorrow and I haven't gotten his pressie together.
  • Speaking of Mon Lion, he quit his job because it was crap, but assures me it will work out for the best. Unfortunately, that may be true, but doesn't take away my stress about the situation.
  • I thought I was over my dental nerves, but this coming Thursday I'm due back for a deep cleaning, and I am extremely nervous.

You know what kiddies? frozen needs a vacation.

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