f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
17 November 2007 || Concerning guts and jammies.
Hey Hey local kiddies!!! It's been a couple years, but I'm about to relaunch my horror movie review blog, and it's time to celebrate!! So at the urging of one of my friends *COUGH*willen*COUGH*, I'm reviving my Gore Whore Pajama Party!! So bring your favorite horror movie, your most comfy pajama pants, and whatever munchies and bevvies you want to share, and join us for...

Who: All my local friends (by invite only, since I'm opening my home to you overnight)
What: All night horror movie marathon/pajama party followed by a tasty, hot breakfast for those that crash overnight.
Where: My house. Contact me for an invitation. Address and directions are on it. Also, it looks cool.
When: Starting at 7pm, Friday, 8 December 2007. Ending when the movies are over.
Why: umm.... is there ever NOT a reason for a horror movie marathon whilst all cozy in your PJs and fuzzy slippers? Also, hello, all-you-can-eat popcorn, and I'll prolly make cupcakes. Mmmm.....cupcakes.

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