f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
17 September 2004 || Concerning being a lazy bitch and updating with something that will make no sense and probably only cause concern.
It's been awhile, and I'm actually cheating, as I've copied this post from my livejournal...[I'm too....strange to be nice right now. Email me and if I want to share that part of my life with you, I'll forward the address...]

* * * C O P Y * * *

Spending more than a day feeling as though your soul has been re-gutted is not pleasant. It is highly unpleasant actually.

I am...recovering?

I am still not sleeping well, when I do sleep, it's restless. I am able to gloss over my turmoil with my usual happy-go-lucky exterior. Years and years of practice. "Smile and nod [frozen-vodka], no matter what..."

Is it getting better? I don't know. I think I'm just getting used to it? Another phrase I heard on a nigh daily basis..."fake it till it's real".

If I pretend I'm okay, pretend I'm not freaking out, pretend I'm not still terrified out of my fucking gourd because I have ventured out of everything safe and "normal" for me...it should eventually stop feeling like pretending. That's the logic at least.

Because if I don't...I don't know how to handle the fact that I am in absolutely unfamiliar territory. I get scared? I run. That's the pattern. But I desperately DO NOT want to run...

So I'll pretend for now, until I figure out a better way to not give into the panic that, unfortunately, happiness leads to.

* * * E N D * C O P Y * * *

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