f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
21 January 2006 || Snooze Button
For one reason or another, I have never before spent the night at NewLeaf's house on a Friday night. Don't know quite how that happened, but it did.

Needless to say, he was quite shocked when my phone alarm (set on vibrate) roused me from the cozy confines of his bed a little befor 4 am this morning. He was even more surprised when I just...never came back.

He stumbled out of his room to fine me wrapped in my duvet cuddling a sleepy Mekare (yes, both duvet and dubbin are part of my sleepover kit...nothing spontaneous about my decisions as to where to rest my head overnight) and watching tv.

Still confused, he flopped down on the couch next to me and cuddled as close as he could, pulling at my duvet until I let him under. Mekare was in bliss, being on gramma's lap and receiving a belly rub from her step-grampa. Resting his head on my shoulder, he asked me if he'd been snoring. He was, but that's not why I was awake. Did I have a bad dream? Well, I'm prone to them, but again, not why I'm awake. Was I congested? Always, but not painfully so. Silence, except for the tv. Was I mad at him? Well, if I was, it stood to reason that I wouldn't be letting him cuddle me. Alright, he said. I give up. Why in the world was I up?

Sheepishly, I pointed at the tv.


Well, it's just another song / Talkin' about how you let them take your rights / Another redundant verse about how you refused to fight & lost / What cost? Your cause has got no champion / How could you hope to win? By just complaining / Now it's raining on you parade / Decisions made could cost you dearly / Not just your money but your freedom / Are you wealthy improper choices could be deadly / They took your so-called rights / You didn't even fight / Well, here's your motherfuckin' wake up call / And there just ain't no way around it / Caught you asleep once again & we ain't havin' it...

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